授命用英语怎么说 授命的英语翻译

授命用英语怎么说 授命的英语翻译

授命的英语是"give orders",其次还可以说成"authorize",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到39个与授命相关的短语释义和例句。


1. give orders

授命翻译为give orders。

Duty meant doing what the moment called for, whether it was in your assignment or not.


2. authorize


He arrived in Washington in the spring of eighteen hundred forty-two with the power to settle all disputes with the United States.



1. give order(授命)

2. farh( 樊景立;授命;先是)


instruct ( 讲授命令 )

We do order Professor experimental ( 教授命令我们做实验 )

CAL CommandAuthorizationList command authorization table ( 命令授权表 )

Naming Authority ( 命名授权 )

Command authorized authorized command ( 授权命令 )

Command Authority ( 命令授权 )

authorized command ( 引入已授权命令 )

task-based language teachellong ( 使命型讲授 )

written authorization containing payment orders ( 含有支付命令的授权书 )


1. (German man) On October 24, i was ordered to come to Hitler, to his headquarters in East Prussia.

译文:(齐格弗里德·韦斯特法尔将军 西线德军总参谋长) xx月xx日,我授命到希特勒在东普鲁士的总部来见他。

2. Each of my proud warriors has been instructed


3. Uh, i've been asked to officially iD her body.


4. in 1958 Professor Charles "earth crust displacement"


5. You are currently outbound... to the Vega sector and the Tiger Claw.

译文:- 很好 你们被授命前往织女星系虎爪号。

6. Reisner managed to reproduce the original test results.


7. it is with great reluctance... that i have agreed to this calling.

译文:我心中极为不愿意... 同意此项授命。

8. We've being instructed to transport them under the cover of darkness.

译文:我们是被授命 趁夜转移尸体。

9. Alice did take on the qualities of her friends as they were killed.

译文:但是她将其过渡到爱丽丝 爱丽丝也在她朋友死后开始授命。

10. And whatever she's doing, we conceived it.

译文:不管她做什么 都算是我们授命的。

11. You were instructed to have armed officers on standby for just this eventuality.

译文:在这次事件中 你们授命提供武装人员待命 You were instructed to have armed officers on standby for just this eventuality.。

12. That boy was bagged the minute they sent him here.

译文:这孩子刚授命过来... 就要被抬回去。

13. According to the box each mission was authorized by the same member of Oversight.

译文:黑匣子里说 每次任务都是上级要员中的同一人授命。

14. There was a three-inch incision in Evelina's right palm.

译文:我授命来正式验明她的身份 Evelina右手有个三英尺的切口。

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