燃油消耗量用英语怎么说 燃油消耗量英语翻译

燃油消耗量用英语怎么说 燃油消耗量英语翻译

燃油消耗量的英语为"fuel consumption",还经常被译作  fuel oil consumption,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到93个与燃油消耗量相关的译文和例句。


1. fuel consumption

燃油消耗量翻译为fuel consumption。

Since 2008 fuel consumption per head in the province has dropped by 4.5%, more than elsewhere in Canada.


2.   fuel oil consumption

燃油消耗量翻译为   fuel oil consumption。

According to the vehicle velocity and road resistance along the line, the oil consumption could be estimated.


3. fuel consumption -

燃油消耗量翻译为 fuel consumption -。

The clause of the speed and fuel consumption in the time charter party is an important and easy to cause disputes.


4.   Carburant


1. quantity of consumption(消耗量)

2. fuel discharge(燃料消耗量)

3. fuel exhaustion(燃料消耗量)

4. indication of consumption(消耗量指标)

5. material spending amount(材料消耗量)


Maximum fuel waste ( 最大燃油消耗量 )

high fuel consumption ( 高燃油消耗量 )

increased fuel consumption ( 增加燃油消耗量 )

sepcific fuel consumption ( 比燃油消耗量 )

Min. Fuel Consumption ( 最低燃油消耗量 )

fuel consumption ( 燃油消耗量限值 )

fuel consumption ( 燃料消耗量油耗 )

fuel mass consumption model ( 燃油消耗质量模型 )


1. That black line in the middle of that table is the likely level of consumption with an allowance for certain levels of inevitable waste.

译文:表格中间的黑线 是食物消耗量的大概数值 当中包括了一定量的无法避免的浪费。

2. Or choose a measure of consumption: consumption of energy, consumption of fresh water, consumption of the world's photosynthesis, and draw a graph of its value over time.

译文:或者以消耗量为单位: 消耗了多少能源,用了多少水, 消耗了多少光合作用, 再画一个随时间变化的曲线。

3. This is gasoline consumption in all of these countries. And us.


4. Fuel is dumped. Approach looks good. Thanks for the help, Doc.

译文:燃油都消耗了 进展顺利 谢谢帮忙 博士。

5. Even though these hothouses are now irrigated drop by drop, water consumption continues to increase along with exports.

译文:虽然现在这些温室非常节约灌溉 但水的消耗量随着出口持续增加。

6. That black line in the middle of that table is the likely level of consumption with an allowance for certain levels of inevitable waste.

译文:表格中间的黑线 是食物消耗量的大概数值 当中包括了一定量的无法避免的浪费。

7. it consumes 40 percent of the energyof Kiryu.

译文:威力惊人! 能源消耗量会达到 全体的40%.。

8. So i took the food supply of every single country and i compared it to what was actually likely to be being consumed in each country.

译文:于是,我把各国的食物供应量 跟其自身的实际消耗量 拿来做比较。

9. That's all the U.S. usage today.


10. The energy consumption of the United Kingdom, the total energy consumption -- not just transport, but everything -- i like to quantify it in lightbulbs.

译文:英国的能源消耗量 是总量,而不仅仅是指交通运输业的消耗量, 我喜欢用灯泡来量化它。

11. Then when you think you eat if you want to reduce the sugar, your definition of that is sugar needs to expand ...

译文:开始思考 并希望减少 消耗的糖的量 你需要了解。

12. Consumption of hashish and marijuana in the UK is about three tons a day.

译文:在英国,印度大麻和大麻烟 每天的消耗量是3吨。

13. You will not get high if you eat a dose of corn syrup.

译文:不会消耗 量的玉米糖浆。

14. And yet, per capita meat consumption is as high as it's been in recorded history.

译文:然而,人均肉类消耗量 自有历史记载以来 一直都居高不下。

15. They are tremendously fuel efficient to bring to market, a fraction of the fuel cost of say, shrimp, and at the very top of the carbon efficiency scale.

译文:让这种鱼上市的燃油经济性极高, 比如和虾比,燃油消耗只是个零头, 而且它在碳效率上也是在最前列。

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