要功用英语怎么说 要功的英语翻译

要功用英语怎么说 要功的英语翻译

要功在英语中的翻译是"requited power",还网络中常译为"rated consumed power",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到51个与要功相关的短语释义和例句。


1. requited power

要功翻译为requited power。

This is one of the chief functions of satire and irony.


2. rated consumed power

要功翻译为rated consumed power。

The shell surrounding the egg has many important functions.


3. regional demand functions

要功翻译为regional demand functions。

Disabilities destroyed major bodily functions.


4. major function failure

要功翻译为major function failure。

示例:is it function or fashion?
Is it function or fashion?



1. necessary function(必要功能)

2. requited power(需要功率)

3. rated consumed power(额定需要功率)

4. regional demand functions(区域需要功能)

5. major function failure(主要功能故障)


"Constant grinding turns an iron rod into a needle." ( 只要功夫深 铁杵磨成针 )

Main function key feature Function ( 主要功能 )

SQL Plus SONAR MODSOFT l iChat ( 的主要功能 )

secondary function sub functions Second function ( 次要功能 )

Main functions Main effect Main Efficacy ( 主要功效 )

blok pomocniczych funkcji secondary feature block sovelluksen toissijaiset ominaisuudet secundair f( 次要功能区块 )

critical function ( 重要功能 )

required power power demand ( 需要功率 )

unnecessary function ( 不必要功能 )

Functions ( 次要功用 )


1. And then he's basically operating as a sperm bank.


2. Shut down all the noncritical ship functions.


3. So, homeopathy is when you take a key ingredient that actually does something important, and then you water it down, and then you water it down again.

译文:顺势疗法就是拿某种关键成份 实际上有重要功用 然后进行稀释再稀释。

4. But they were, in fact... largely responsible for your remarkable turn around.

译文:不过它们是, 事实上... 是让你快速复原的主要功臣.。

5. You have to have low cost, but you also have to have a function.

译文:你必须要做到低开销 但是你还需要功能。

6. We are down. He's breathing on his own.

译文:他能够自己呼吸 主要功能正常。

7. That is the primary function of an incubator.


8. Listen to me! Please don't study!


9. You have to have low cost, but you also have to have a function.

译文:你必须要做到低开销 但是你还需要功能。

10. My daughter Sarah is fully committed, and she's going places.

译文:我女儿莎拉完全允诺 她就要功成名就。

11. And so, these studies have documented or suggested out of a variety of important functions for the microbial community, this cloud, the non-pathogens that live in and on us.

译文:因此这些研究证明或者推断了 这些微生物群落的各种重要功能 这些在我们体内和表面生活的非病原体,这层“云”的功能。

12. As a result, the child loses neurologic milestones.


13. All right, the primary function of the Warehouse is to protect the world's artifacts, but the barrier, now, its mandate has shifted--

译文:好吧 仓库的主要功能是 保护世界上的艺术品 不过现在 防护层 它的指令被切换了。

14. it's important that you don't fall short in that area either, Brendan.

译文:这一点很重要,你 不要功亏一篑 在这方面要么,布伦丹。是的,先生。

15. That is the primary function of an incubator.


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