腭颌用英语怎么说 腭颌的英语翻译

腭颌用英语怎么说 腭颌的英语翻译

腭颌的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为wolf jaw,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到83个与腭颌相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. wolf jaw

腭颌翻译为wolf jaw。

It can recover the palate antomy and supply a good condition for speech training, Whether early palatoplasty influences the growth of maxilla stays to be elucidated.



1. maxillo palatine process(颌腭突)

2. palatomaxillary suture(腭颌缝)

3. sutura palatomaxillaris(腭颌缝)

4. wolf jaw([医] 狼颌, 腭颌)

5. palatomaxillary length([医] 腭颌长度)


sutura palatomaxillaris ( 腭颌缝 )

palatomaxillary arch ( 腭上颌弓 解剖 )

palatomaxillary ( 腭上颌的 )

palatomaxillary index ( 腭上颌指数 人类 )

processus maxillopalatinus ( 颌腭突 )

palatine process of maxilla ( 上颌骨腭突 )

RME rapid maxillary expansion ( 颌快速腭扩展 )

RME rapid maxillary expansion ( 上颌快速腭扩展 )

rapid palatal expansion ( 腭裂患者上颌快速扩弓 )


1. Any pugilist worth his salt knows when someone's on the ropes, that's when you throw a combination to the gut and a left hook to the jaw.

译文:有经验的拳师都知道 当对手处在下风的时候 就该腹部一套组合拳 颌上一记左勾拳 一顿胖揍了。

2. The upper right maxillary lateral incisor is missing.


3. Here's an example of how the face forms.


4. We're gonna remove the jaw.


5. -Got a jaw like a Cro-Magnon!

译文:- 这颌骨像是克鲁马努人(旧石器时欧洲一人种)。

6. Medically called a cleft palate it's one of those congenital malformations.

译文:医学上叫上腭开裂 是那种天生的 缺陷。

7. The camp is in a place called White Stone Town lt's the territory of Yindan the Snake

译文:在一个叫做白石颌的地方 白石颌是毒蛇鹰丹的地盘。

8. He also had some cranial seizures as well as TMJ.


9. Block feral left. Weaken right jaw.


10. However, out of brotherly love His Majesty... instead demotes you you'llbeexiledtothePaiChun

译文:皇上念在手足之情 着令贬为骑兵,充军长白颌。

11. ♪ How your TMJ night guard smells in the morning ♪

译文:你的夜间颌关节保护套 早上的味道。

12. And when i underwent it and found solutions, this is the interrelationship between the TMJ and the teeth.

译文:当我经受疼痛发现了解决方案 这是牙齿和颞颌关节的相关位置。

13. The same family as the "Needlefish." That's it!


14. Each bite risks a broken jaw, but going for the legs is the only way to stop it.

译文:Each bite risks a broken jaw, 每咬一口 颌骨都有撕裂的危险 but going for the legs is the only way to stop it. 但只有咬腿部 才能使角马停下。

15. Somewhere around China, a fish developed jaws, and its descendants drove jawless fishes, sea scorpions and branching plankton to extinction.

译文:在中国某地,一条鱼长出了下颌, 它的后代便把无颌鱼、 海蝎和树状浮游生物 赶尽杀绝。

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