扑腾用英语怎么说 扑腾的英语翻译

扑腾用英语怎么说 扑腾的英语翻译

扑腾通常被翻译为"  Pooten"的意思,还网络中常译为"  flutter",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到49个与扑腾相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Pooten

扑腾翻译为   Pooten。

Someone was thrashing around in the water, obviously in trouble.


2.   flutter

扑腾翻译为   flutter。

The bundle fell with a thud.


3. thud


Let them splash around in the pool for a while.


4. palpitate


the bundle fell with a thud ( 扑腾一声包掉下来了 )

Tencent Poker Tournament Series ( 腾讯扑克锦标赛系列赛 )


1. Your guts were flopping out all over the place.

译文:你的胆量 是扑腾了所有的地方。

2. For a moment there, i was splashing around in that puddle with Spike, growing some gills.

译文:有那么一会儿 我都在那小水坑里 和Spike一起扑腾 拼命鼓着腮呢。

3. Your wiener feels like it's flopping around like a fish without oxygen.

译文:您的维纳感觉 它的周围扑腾 像鱼没有氧气。

4. We start splashing around and fooling around and the next thing you know, this flotation ring hits me in the head.

译文:我们开始在水里扑腾 嬉戏欢笑 然后这个游泳圈 就砸到了我脑袋上。

5. during which the room was filled with the sound of a moth... or the buzz of a fly beating against the windowpane, which you only remembered afterwards.

译文:房间里飞蛾的扑腾声啦 苍蝇撞到窗玻璃的动静啦 都要过后你才能想起。

6. i remember many things. i remember being at a shoreline... watching a little gray fish heave itself up on the beach. And an older brother saying, "Don't step on that fish, Castiel.

译文:过去的林林总总都还历历在目 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}And I remember many things. 发现一只正在努力往岸上扑腾的小灰鱼 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}watching a little gray fish heave itself up on the beach Castiel.。

7. in the last decade, some fish stocks have fallen by 95%.

译文:一条鲨鱼上钩了 正在水里扑腾。

8. Those that don't generally flail in the water helplessly, and then drown.

译文:如果没有死, 一般是在水中无助地扑腾, 然后淹死。

9. And in the middle of the night they heard screams and ran into the room and he was thrashing on the bed horribly.

译文:半夜他们听到孩子尖叫 冲进去看到他在床上扑腾 好像受到严重的惊吓。

10. When the tide is low, they swim into the shallows and flail around with great enthusiasm.

译文:潮水退下时,它们游进浅处 并且开始起劲儿地扑腾。

11. Thumpity thumpity thumpity thump.

译文:Thumpity thumpity thumpity扑腾。

12. Well, it's just nice to have Harold Ramis around since he's the inventor of so much of what we do.

译文:心脏开始跳,扑腾扑腾跳 神啊,我受不了了 我也想这么说。

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