不是玩具狗用英语怎么说 不是玩具狗英语翻译

不是玩具狗用英语怎么说 不是玩具狗英语翻译

不是玩具狗的英语翻译是"toy dog",还可以翻译为not dogs,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到45个与不是玩具狗相关的短语释义和例句。


1. toy dog

不是玩具狗翻译为toy dog。

示例:Just some, what, fun toy experiment? No!
fun toy experiment?


2. not dogs

不是玩具狗翻译为not dogs。

示例:- Hot dogs! - Yeah, hot dogs!
hot dogs!


3. toy poodles

不是玩具狗翻译为toy poodles。

示例:Just some, what, fun toy experiment? No!
fun toy experiment?


4. not dog

不是玩具狗翻译为not dog。

示例:it still smells in here, but that's the dog.
but that's the dog.



1. toy dog(n. 小型狗,玩具狗)

2. toy dogs( 玩具狗;玩具犬类;玩赏犬)

3. not dog( 不是狗)

4. not dogs( 不是狗)

5. toy poodles( 贵宾;玩具贵富狗)


1. And you may become a stuffed toy forever.


2. -The proton pack is not a toy.

译文:- 那质子机不是玩具。

3. i say, there, would you call that a miniature or a toy?

译文:我说 你叫这微缩版还是玩具? 这可不是玩具 这真的是活狗。

4. Uh, dog stuff. Throw toys. Chew toys.

译文:额 狗的玩意儿 扔的玩具 咬的玩具 地毯上有屎渍。

5. - Look, i know you're not my toy.

译文:是的,你不是我的玩具 我知道你不是我的玩具 薇薇安。

6. Aren't you a little fluffy poodle?


7. These are tools, not toys.


8. That's not a toy. Give it to me.

译文:那不是玩具 快给我。

9. You want me to take a stuffed toy dog to the pound?


10. i'm not a girl's toy! i'm not!


11. That is your dinner, not a toy!

译文:那是晚餐 不是玩具。

12. i think you might be an alien toy dog.

译文:我觉得 你应该是外星玩具狗。

13. i don't even like the dog, Kevin. Why would i get him a toy?

译文:我讨厌这只狗 Kevin 为什么要给他玩具。

14. This is the perfect time to talk about my youth formula.

译文:不是,你养狗? 对,是英国种的玩具狗。

15. That's not a toy, you know.


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