光焰万丈用英语怎么说 光焰万丈英语翻译

光焰万丈用英语怎么说 光焰万丈英语翻译

光焰万丈的英语是"cast its radiance far and wide",还经常被译作illuminating highly in a myriad feet,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到63个与光焰万丈相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. cast its radiance far and wide

光焰万丈翻译为cast its radiance far and wide。

示例:it cast its nets far and wide


2. illuminating highly in a myriad feet

光焰万丈翻译为illuminating highly in a myriad feet。

示例:particularly illuminating.
particularly illuminating.



1. non luminous flame(无光焰)

2. optical flare(光焰差)

3. flat flame([化] 无光焰)

4. sagene(俄丈)

5. flaming aurora([地物] 光焰状极光)


1. Either we can jump into the abyss or, with courage and faith, leap to the other side."

译文:xx年xx月德国慕尼黑 我们或许会堕入万丈深渊 也能凭借勇气和信lc走出乱局。

2. You just fell a thousand feet.


3. You shine so bright into my heart

译文:# 你光芒万丈 照亮我内心 # # You shine so bright Into my heart #。

4. Now, of course i can't show you a picture of the galaxy in all its glory.

译文:当然,现在我无法给你们 展示一张星系光芒万丈的图片。

5. Why, i can see your name in lights, lights six feet high.

译文:为什么,我能看到你闪闪发光的名字... 光芒万丈...。

6. Blunt not the heart, enrage it.

译文:不要让心变得麻木 让它怒火万丈吧。

7. ♪ Feels he's sinking in the murk


8. You're headed for a big fall.


9. My grandmother said you're going to hell, she says you'll suffer eternal torture of a billion flames, hotter than the center of the Sun.

译文:我奶奶说你要完蛋了 她说你会在万丈火光里忍受永恒的折磨 比太阳还要炽热的火焰。

10. Don't look down it's a long, long way to fall.

译文:别向下望 万丈深渊心彷徨。

11. By the time i got back, the flames were sky-High, And everybody was dead.

译文:当我回来的时候 就看到火高万丈 所有的人都死了。

12. # i see my light come shining Come shining #


13. Sometimes you feel it inside... like you're falling down real fast... but you're really just standing still.

译文:有时你会有种感觉 好像坠入万丈深渊 但你其实根本没动。

14. Hi, Mom. Thanks for coming over.

译文:9尺神笔赛太公 万丈深渊YY猫 总监 YY猫。

15. You are the unique king of Aninaya

译文:是高库拉之子 发出万丈光芒。

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