竹杠用英语怎么说 竹杠的英语翻译

竹杠用英语怎么说 竹杠的英语翻译

竹杠通常被翻译为"  Bamboo bar"的意思,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到65个与竹杠相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Bamboo bar

竹杠翻译为   Bamboo bar。

He was accused of soaking his clients.



1. ripped someone off(欺诈\n敲…竹杠)

2. ripping someone off(欺诈\n敲…竹杠)

3. rips someone off(欺诈\n敲…竹杠)

4. fleecy shop([经] 敲竹杠的铺子)

5. tourist trap(敲游客竹杠的旅馆)


meiyou RIDOFFS Meiyou Pay FEC ( 没有敲竹杠 )

pay through the nose get ripped off ( 被敲竹杠 )

clip joint ( 敲竹杠的场所 )

tourist trap ( 敲旅客竹杠的地方 )

Rip Off Britain ( 小心敲竹杠 )

No longer are people RIP ( 不要再被人家敲竹杠 )

fleece a man of his money ( 向某人敲竹杠 )

a clip joint ( 敲竹杠 )


1. We don't know Whether he's Soviet backed, or just a ordinary Burandan with an eye for the main chance.

译文:我们不知道他是仗着苏联而来 We don't know Whether he's Soviet backed, 还是个只为了敲竹杠而来的普通布兰达人 or just a ordinary Burandan with an eye for the main chance.。

2. -We'll play rip off the tourist.


3. You are a real opportunist

译文:你真会敲竹杠 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You are a real opportunist。

4. So who mooches off a dumb-ass?


5. - No. Your whole rap was to sell me something?


6. Rooking the guests and cooking the books

译文:一手敲竹杠 一手做假账。

7. Get ready to be ripped off, boys.

译文:准备去敲竹杠吧 伙计们。

8. Rooking the guests And cooking the books.

译文:一手敲竹杠 一手做假账 Rooking the guests and cooking the books.。

9. Fleecing New York's upper crust while they're on vacation is a Botwin family tradition.

译文:趁纽约上层人度假时狠敲一笔竹杠 这可是Botwin的家族传统呢。

10. Anyone who pays $1,000 a night for a room is just begging to be ripped off.

译文:有人付1000元就住一晚 不是自己求人敲他竹杠吗。

11. This phony holy man and his liquor gouging have ruined an otherwise happy occasion.

译文:这个伪善的人和这个借酒敲竹杠的 把这个原本很开心的场合给毁了。

12. Tell me which restaurant do you want to go


13. if i was gonna rip you off, it means you're never gonna

译文:如果我打定主意敲你们竹杠 If I was gonna rip you off, 现在早就远走高飞了 it means you're never gonna。

14. -We're not ripping anyone off.

译文:-不 我们不敲任何人竹杠。

15. Go back to ripping off Mob dealers?


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