辗用英语怎么说 辗的英语翻译

辗用英语怎么说 辗的英语翻译



1. roll


Recently I have been paying special attention to the affair that a child has been rolled across by a car for four times to death.


2. toss


1 head napa cabbage, finely chopped or shredded.


3.   roll

辗翻译为   roll。

Whispering shoulder, wake limp walk the Red rolling.


4.   zh

辗翻译为   zh。




1. rivet bucker(辗压机)

2. rolled steel wheel(辗钢轮)

3. runner wheel(辗轮)

4. rotary forging press((辗压用)摆辗机)

5. initial rolling(初步辗压)


Euclidean algorithm ( 辗转相除法 )

Stressed Out Not Sleep a Wink Sleepless nights Trouble Sleeping ( 辗转难眠 )

Rolling machines Rolling mveryines Roller rolling machellones ( 辗压机 )

toss and turn Criss Cross toss Stuck in reverse ( 辗转反侧 )

wheel roller edge runner crushing mill edge-runner mill ( 轮辗机 )


1. He was ran over by an animal rescue van. Tragic and ironic.

译文:他被动物救援车辗死 悲惨又讽刺。

2. it flattened Mr. Stubbins just like a pancake! Oh, God, man, puke time, man.

译文:把史塔宾斯先生辗的像薄煎饼 天啊,真恶心。

3. i don't care if you got hit by a truck and run over by a steamroller.


4. That guy runs faster than a dog.

译文:哎呀 那个男 的跑得比狗还快 辗都辗不到。

5. Come on, dig, guys, or we're going to be smashed flat!


6. Jeez, mister, you're lucky she didn't roll on you.

译文:先生 你该庆幸她没辗着你。

7. The blood-soaked Aaron Stampler was chased under McCormick Place, but not before he was almost killed by a passing train.

译文:满身是血的史坦勒被警方追捕 几乎被驶过的火车辗死。

8. But if you think i'm gonna go all gooseflesh and fall on my knees before your God, who lets a 5-year-old get run over and killed by some Southside drug-dealing nig--

译文:但你若觉得我会突然起鸡皮疙瘩 跪在地上向上帝祷告 那个让xx岁男孩 被南边黑鬼毒贩开车辗死的上帝。

9. We left it at some friends' house and she got squashed flat as a tortilla outside their mobile home.

译文:有一次我寄养在朋友家 却在他们的拖车屋外被辗死了。

10. The rest of the time, we walked up and down the narrow, twisty roads, burying the animals the cars had squashed.

译文:其余大多时间 我们都在... 迀曲起伏的 小路上行走 埋葬那些被车 辗死的动物。

11. You want to run him over for me?

译文:- 想不想替我辗死他。

12. "Gwen Used Me For Her Story, Then Married an Ass Wipe... and Ran Over My Heart With a Big Metaphorical Truck."

译文:"葛芠为了那篇报导 利用了我, 然后却嫁给了那个大屁人... 用她巨大的卡车 辗碎了我的心灵.。

13. Those who tried the train passed over.


14. He reminds me that in his CD-ROM lmmemory - a unique work - we see Gleaners picking up a bloody silhouette, crushed by a nightmarish tank.

译文:他让我想起,在他的光盘里有个独特的作品 我们看到拾穗者 在被可怕的坦克辗压过的血肉轮廓中拾取。

15. You must have been in cars and felt that little bump, that faint crunch under the wheels.

译文:你一定也曾在车座上 感受到小小辗爆声 那车轮下微弱的吱吱声。

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