疫病用英语怎么说 疫病的英语翻译

疫病用英语怎么说 疫病的英语翻译

疫病的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为epidemic disease,在日常中也可以翻译为"epidemic disease -",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到74个与疫病相关的译文和例句。


1. epidemic disease

疫病翻译为epidemic disease。

How does swine flu compare with avian flu as a pandemic threat?


2. epidemic disease -

疫病翻译为 epidemic disease -。

Reporting any signs of disease is key for surveillance and control measures.


3. loemia


Researchers are projecting a westward expansion of " Cactoblastis cactorum" in North America.


4. lues


示例:i also try to help you find some c lues, thanks
我会去附近找找看的 再见



1. loimia(疫病)

2. pestilential disease(疫病)

3. fire blight(火疫病)

4. gray blight(灰疫病)

5. head blight(穗疫病)


preventing and controlling animal and plant epidemics preventing and controlling animal and plant d( 动植物疫病防控 )

Phytophthora infestans ( 马铃薯晚疫病菌 )

NDV Newcastle disease virus wirus choroby newcastle Newcastle disease virus NDV ( 新城疫病毒 )

Phytophthora Infestans ( 晚疫病 )

autoimmune disease AID AD Autoimmunity disease ( 自身免疫病 内科 )

Foot and mouth disease virus FMDV mouth disease virus aphthovirus ( 口蹄疫病毒 病毒 )

immunopathology immunopatologia immunity nosology immunpathologie ( 免疫病理学 免疫 )

Peste des petits ruminants virus PPRV ( 小反刍兽疫病毒 )

NDV Newcastle disease virus ( 鸡新城疫病毒 )

early blight Alternaria solani AltemaHa solani ( 早疫病 植保 )


1. HiV binds to which receptor on the host lymphocyte?


2. Pulse the patient with steroids for the autoimmune.


3. We created the perfect breeding ground for a virus to take place.


4. You are aware that you have knowingly violated a quarantined area and trespassed on a military base?

译文:你知道你刻意地违闯了疫病隔离区 还擅自进入军事基地。

5. But she'd let her guard down, and been attacked from the inside.

译文:除了那年发生疫病 细菌侵袭到她的体内。

6. And the problem with the Lumper was that a blight from South America that affected one potato would affect them all.

译文:而 Lumper 土豆的问题是, 从南美洲传来的疫病 只要感染一颗土豆, 就会感染所有土豆。

7. in fact, i believe that we are in the middle of a global epidemic of a terrible new illness known as MAS: Mindless Accept Syndrome.

译文:事实上,我认为 我们正处在一种叫MAS的 可怕的新型全球性疫病中 M(盲目)A(接受)S(综合症)。

8. Actually, i have evidence to prove that MAS is a global epidemic.


9. But i'm a licensed broker, and i know, from working with Mr. Parker, how important this deal is.

译文:你应该知道 有些人 并不想看到 这场疫病停止蔓延。

10. We're talking about an epidemic here.


11. Eventually you believe that the village can survive of it?


12. And we got the tests back. We were wrong. it's not autoimmune.

译文:检测结果出来了 我们错了 不是自体免疫病。

13. There's an illness, a flu.

译文:那里正在闹疫病 是种流感。

14. To being kind of a national blight

译文:要成为一种 国家疫病。

15. Nobody knows that the queen is gone... only that the blight is spreading.

译文:他们只知道疫病在蔓延 {\1cH00FFFF}{\3cH202020}Nobody knows that the Queen is gone only that the blight is spreading。

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