玮用英语怎么说 玮的英语翻译

玮用英语怎么说 玮的英语翻译



1. precious


Wilber's book teaches tips about learning English the easy way.


2. valuable


With the global recession biting he expects the proportions to switch, and deals such as Waterford Wedgwood to become the norm.


3. name of valuable jade

玮翻译为name of valuable jade。

示例:i assume your name is Jade Spence?



1. psychocandy( 迷幻糖;上绝;玮玮)

2. luvin( 菁玮)

3. makets( 周玮)

4. psychocandies( 迷幻糖;上绝;玮玮\n(psychocandy 的复数))

5. caviro(酿酒集团;卡玮珞)


Wilber Pan Will Pan Wilber Tell Me ( 潘玮柏 )

Hsu Wei Lun BEATRlCE ( 许玮伦 )

Wedgwood Josiah Wedgwood ( 玮致活 )

Christine Fan I Think fan F ONE ( 范玮琪 )

Sung-Wei Tseng ( 增菘玮 )

Wellson Chin NeighbourA ( 钱升玮 )

Tiffany Hsu Thetis More Tiffany ( 许玮宁 )


1. - Come on, Wei Wei, let's go!

译文:-加油 玮玮 加油。

2. So the winner today is Wei Wei.

译文:今天的优胜者是.. ..玮玮。

3. Oh, yes, and there is Hu Chia-Wei.

译文:对了 还有胡家玮。

4. OK, Wei Wei, control it now.

译文:好 玮玮 慢慢来。

5. Whaddya think, huh, Wei Wei? Beat that.

译文:你觉得呢 玮玮 来挑战吧。

6. Hu Chia-Wei, do you want to see it, too.

译文:胡家玮你 要不要顺便也看一下。

7. Ling, Frog, evacuate the crowd!

译文:玮玲 水蛙赶快疏散现场观众。

8. Ekweme and the others knew they couldn't be here.

译文:艾克玮和其他人都知道 他们不能呆在这里。

9. After what happened to Nastia Liukin and Wei Wei Yong yesterday and Mina Hoyt today, it's safe to say the athletes are sending the judges a message.

译文:经过今天娜莎 昨天的玮玮 还有米娜之后 可以确信选手们在传递一个讯息给评审。

10. We have to help Ekweme. He's being deported.

译文:我们要帮艾克玮一把 他快要被驱逐了.。

11. With those scores, Tricia will get the gold, and Wei Wei will take home a silver.

译文:凭这些分数 翠西将会赢得金牌 玮玮将会取得银牌。

12. That girl who always drew retarded stuff in her books.


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