过敏症用英语怎么说 过敏症的英语翻译

过敏症用英语怎么说 过敏症的英语翻译

过敏症在英语中的翻译是"  allergy",其次还可以说成"erethism",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到90个与过敏症相关的译文和例句。


1.   allergy

过敏症翻译为   allergy。

If you or a friend or a family member has a peanut allergy, please do not try this at home.


2. erethism


This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal.


3.   anaphylaxy

过敏症翻译为   anaphylaxy。

Research suggests that while an unmade bed may look scruffy, it is also unappealing to house dust mites thought to cause asthma and other allergies.


4. allergy -

过敏症翻译为 allergy -。

示例:Allergy thing. So if you were gonna plan a trip to,
她容易过敏 Allergy thing.



1. enantiodromiac( 过敏症)

2. enantiodromias( 过敏症)

3. enantiodromic( 过敏症)

4. hyperatticisms( 过敏症)

5. overenthusiasms( 过敏症)


Dentine Hypersensitivity dental hypersensitiveness ( 牙本质过敏症 )

Water allergy ( 水过敏症 )

Celiac Disease ( 麸质过敏症 )

Hay Fever pollenhypersensitivity ( 花粉过敏症 )

allergenic ( 引起过敏症的 )

Hay Fever Hat ( 花粉过敏症帽子 )

Multiple chemical sensitivity Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome ( 化学物质过敏症 )

electromagnetic hypersensitivity electrical hypersensitivity ( 电磁波过敏症 )

food allergy Food hypersensitivity food allergies ( 食物过敏症 )


1. Doctor, the cure for dog allergies?


2. Don't you have allergies, Mike?


3. Brittany, she's got allergies.

译文:布里特尼, 她有过敏症.。

4. Remember Daddy's allergy? What was he allergic to?

译文:还记得爸爸的过敏症吗 他对什么过敏。

5. No recess again for you today, Marissa. Too many allergies.

译文:不要再请假了,玛丽莎 太多过敏症了。

6. At Saint Lazare, i caught an allergy that tires my eyes.

译文:在Saint Lazare 我的眼 得了过敏症。

7. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity.


8. He is the best allergist in the Valley, okay?

译文:他是山谷最好的过敏症专家 好吗。

9. She's allergic to an anti-allergy medicine?


10. - Yes. i'm allergic to steel.

译文:- 痛,我对钢有过敏症。

11. This one's for my allergies, and this one's for my asthma.

译文:这是治过敏性症 这是对付我的哮喘。

12. They set off our allergies and smell of mildew.

译文:这些霉菌会引起我们过敏症状, 还散发出难闻的气味。

13. Yes... how about one on skin allergies?

译文:当然... 针对皮肤过敏症的商品怎么样。

14. Ms. Kang Sean-yeong came in for treatments in July and August of 2008, for atopic dermatitis.

译文:从xx年xx月到xx月 姜善瑛小姐在这里做过治疗 就诊皮肤科接受过敏症的治疗。

15. - i got a sensitivity. i go into anaphylactic shock.

译文:我有过敏症 过敏性休克...。

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