智利人用英语怎么说 智利人的英语翻译

智利人用英语怎么说 智利人的英语翻译

智利人的英语是"  Chileans",还网络中常译为"  chileno,na m.,f",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到26个与智利人相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Chileans

智利人翻译为   Chileans。

The population of Chile is composed mostly of mestizos.


2.   chileno,na m.,f

智利人翻译为   chileno,na m.,f。

Few Chileans will begrudge that.


3. chileans


If the opportunity arises and a friend asks you over for a barbecue (Chileans do this all the time) or salsa dancing night, do it.


4.   Chileno


1. Chilian(智利(人)的;智利文化的,智利讲的西班牙语;智利人,智利的;情话军舰岩;唭哩岸)

2. parrillada( 烤肉;烤肉组合;智利人说去吃巴利亚达)

3. Chile(智利 )

4. monoplist(专利人)

5. recipient of interest(食利人)


Jose Vega ( 智利人何塞)

Edu Vargas ( 将智利妖人巴尔加斯 )

Federation of Copper Workers FTC ( 智利铜矿工人联盟 )


1. They say Chileans taste like chicken.


2. Bernardo 0'Higgins, illegitimate son of an irish immigrant, liberated Chile from the Spaniards in 1818, and they haven't forgotten him.

译文:伯纳德 欧希金斯 是一位爱尔兰移民的私生子。他于xx年从西班牙人手中解放了智利。智利人没有忘记他。

3. "Chilean globe. The gods returned to Chile"

译文:"智利人的火球, 神返智利"。

4. Naturally, the italians! Of course, always the italians!

译文:当然,那些意大利人 总是那些意大利人。

5. Let's look at Chile, for example.


6. [laughs] Let us be seen as one Chilean with dignity.

译文:让我们做有尊严的智利人 Let us be seen as one Chilean with dignity.。

7. Greek? italian... northern.


8. The Chileans fish with a seine, a very long net that closes over 40 tons of catch.

译文:智利人用围网捕鱼 这是一种能套住40吨鱼的长网。

9. it's pisco with Coke. Chilean people love drinking it.

译文:这是皮斯科白兰地加可乐 智利人喜欢这么喝。

10. Chileans have been building with confined masonry for decades.

译文:智利人用砖混结构建筑房屋已经有 几xx年了。

11. Chile, iran, iraq, Dominican Republic.

译文:包括阿根延. 智利. 伊朗.。

12. What he means, man, is you have to hurry because there's a bunch of horny Chileans who want to go to a strip club.

译文:他意思是,你得快点 因为有一群好色的智利人 要去脱衣舞俱乐部。

13. Well, the italians call it trippa.


14. Before it's past - Be italian


15. They know the truth is they'll never succeed in killing him... in the hearts of the Chilean people.

译文:他们知道事实是 他们永远也不会成功地杀死他... They know the truth is they'll never succeed in killing him... 他活在智利人民的心里 in the hearts of the Chilean people.。

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