筳用英语怎么说 筳的英语翻译

筳用英语怎么说 筳的英语翻译



1. Neoschwagerininae


The Dingjiazhai Formation and its overlying Woniusi Formation in the Baoshanregion were referred to as Upper Carboniferous (the Maping Stage) by predecessors.


2. Nankinella

3. sphaeralina

4. fusulinacean


1. sphaeralina(球虫筳)

2. Ozawainella(小泽虫筳;尾泽纺锤虫, 小泽(虫筳))

3. fusulinacean(虫筳类;纺锤虫类)

4. Nankinella(南京虫, 南京虫筳)

5. Neoschwagerininae(新希氏虫筳类)


Pisolina ( 豆虫筳 )

T-X G-H N-Q R-S ( 汉英筳席菜名大全 )

Sphaerulina ( 球虫筳 )

Rugosofusulina ( 皱壁虫筳 )

Pseudoschwagerina ( 假希氏虫筳 )

Schwagerina ( 希氏虫筳 )

Parafusulina ( 副虫筳 )

Paraschwagerina ( 拟希氏虫筳 )

Pseudostaffella ( 假斯氏虫筳 )


1. But he's been in complete isolation.


2. Quite distinctive ... symmetrical and evenly spaced.

译文:疭 癸嘿τ丁筳キА。

3. i was giving the neighbor's package to him and he treated me to dinner...

译文:и腊筳纠?﹡Μ籷 礛癳筁ㄓ倒 碞叫и逗。

4. There are Royal inspectors in the next room.


5. - Both main engines 50 rpm. - All compartments report damage.

译文:ㄢ诀–だ牧50锣 ┮Τだ筳康厨穕ア。

6. And over there is Lady Cho, wife of Lord Yu, who lives next door.

译文:ê琌Choびび Yuヾ 筳纠。

7. You're interested in the guy next door?


8. We could put him on the Med-Pod!

译文:-单 и筳瞒ノ洛励康。

9. - Said they'd overnight it to us.

译文:- 弧筳ぱ碞癳。

10. Volpe said the scout from the show was gonna be there. - Uh-

译文:- 筳20...。

11. She's at her aunt's home next door to avoid the plague.


12. - Get some fuses, quick! - Check all valves and closures.

译文:ㄇ玂繧捣, е 浪琩┮Τ恢㎝筳狾。

13. - You can use it in the shower. - The mask helps out with the stink.

译文:≧峻ノウ 硂竛筳秨。

14. By the way i slept with Vince the night after your honeymoon.

译文:抖盿矗 и﹑笾る筳边蛤ゅ吹。

15. This is the Vice Minister's Lady from next door and her niece.


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