鼻塞用英语怎么说 鼻塞的英语翻译

鼻塞用英语怎么说 鼻塞的英语翻译

鼻塞通常被翻译为"  Nasal l congestion"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"  stuffiness",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到99个与鼻塞相关的释义和例句。


1.   Nasal l congestion

鼻塞翻译为   Nasal l congestion。

Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever.


2.   stuffiness

鼻塞翻译为   stuffiness。

You will probably experience the symptoms of sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, stuffy or runny noses and scratchy throats.


3. nasal obstruction

鼻塞翻译为nasal obstruction。

People with stuffy or blocked noses often snore.


4. nasal obstruction -

鼻塞翻译为 nasal obstruction -。

示例:There was no obstruction, there was only
不存在妨碍 是非法扣押



1. nasal obstruction(鼻塞)

2. nasenverstophung(鼻塞)

3. ulcer nasal(鼻塞)

4. nasal tampon([医] 鼻塞)

5. nasheeds( 鼻塞)


The Sniffles ( 鼻塞记 )

rhinomanometer ( 鼻塞测压计 )

Relief of Colds Symptoms ( 纾缓伤风鼻塞 )

Nasal & Sinus Congestion ( 鼻塞和鼻窦阻塞 )

Relief of Nasal Allergy Symptoms ( 纾缓鼻塞敏感症状 )

helps clear nasal passages ( 通鼻塞 )

Cough and Congestion ( 咳嗽和鼻塞 )

to relieve stuffy noses ( 缓解鼻塞 )


1. Gastric juice, high cholesterol, running nose... that sort of things

译文:尿频鸡眼、胃酸过多、胆固醇过高 吐血呕奶、鼻塞等等...。

2. My nose is blocked, so i have to breathe with my mouth


3. Not to mention hospital gurneys and nose plugs and uneaten Danish and soft-spoken secrets and Fender Stratocasters and maybe the occasional piece of fiction.

译文:更别说是医院的轮床 还有游泳鼻塞 还有丹尼奶酥。

4. i can still smell it with my nose corked.

译文:就算塞上鼻塞 也还是能闻到点臭味的。

5. - Mustard gets into your nose.


6. it'll be like cooking for snotty-nosed people.


7. it's our latest antiviral and the best decongestant we make.

译文:这是我们最新制作的抗病毒药 It's our latest antiviral 和最棒的鼻塞药 and the best decongestant we make.。

8. You could take your blood pressure, you could take your weight — yeah, who's excited about taking their weight every day? (Laughter) Early on in our marriage, Donald had a stuffy nose and he had been taking a slew of medications to try to relieve his stuffy nose, to no avail.

译文:你可以量血压, 可以称体重 — 嗯,在座有没有人 喜欢每天都称体重 (笑声) 我跟我丈夫刚结婚的时候,他有鼻塞 他当时吃很多药 想要缓解他的鼻塞,不过效果不好。

9. Then cork your nose with something.


10. You get a little sneezy, a little snoozy.

译文:打打喷嚏 有点鼻塞。

11. This is proving really good for congestion, but there's a slight chance it can make your tears burn like acid, so if you take it-- happy thoughts.

译文:这一瓶对鼻塞很有用 但有可能让你的眼泪变成强酸 用的时候别多想。

12. A sore throat? A stuffy nose?


13. i've got a blocked nose, but i still came down to help. i...

译文:我这鼻塞 我都下来了我。

14. i think you were born with a stuffy nose. Come on, here.


15. i've got the sniffles this morning!


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