由你定用英语怎么说 由你定的英语翻译

由你定用英语怎么说 由你定的英语翻译

由你定的英语是"  UTYOU",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到92个与由你定相关的翻译和例句。


1.   UTYOU

由你定翻译为   UTYOU。

Measure Microamps to Amps or Reduce PowerDissipation by 99%, You Decide!



1. up to you(由你做主)

2. would you believe( 信不信由你)

3. would you believe?( 信不信由你)

4. your choice( 你的选择;这都是由你来选择;由你选择)

5. you're the doctor(you're the doctor\n[口语]你是专家,应由你做决定,该由你做主)


Donors it is up to you ( 由你决定 )

You decide it ( 都由你来决定 )

Made by You ( 由你来定 )

You deciding on what ( 由你来决定吃什么 )

It's up to you ( 一切由你决定 )

Time is up to you ( 时间由你而定 )

It`s up to you ( 由你来决定 )


1. What to do, and how to do it, is for you to decide.


2. You two have to decide for yourselves what's right.

译文:你们俩的事 由你们自己决定。

3. Then it has been decided, general. This mission will be yours.


4. What kind of punishment you are going to get, you think about it and come back.


5. When your sister recovers, you shall name the day.


6. - i'll leave that up to you.

译文:- 由你决定。

7. How can you get to count everybody's money, including your own?

译文:凭什么钱都是你数? 发多少由你定。

8. That's on you. Were they here?

译文:由你决定 他们在这里吗。

9. The rest of the cast can stay. That is up to you.


10. Sorry, but you don't make the rules. i do.

译文:对不起 规则不由你定 由我定。

11. Are you the one to dictate?


12. Dealer's choice. Whatever releases the most tension.

译文:那由你定吧,随便哪种都行 只要能让我最放松就行。

13. i made the decision, you two execute it.

译文:方案由我定 执行则由你们两个负责。

14. We don't need your opinion!


15. But it also has no limits, So how you use it is up to you.

译文:也是无限度的 所以如何使用由你自己决定。

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