行之有效用英语怎么说 行之有效英语翻译

行之有效用英语怎么说 行之有效英语翻译

行之有效的英语是"effective",其次还可以说成"  effective",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到63个与行之有效相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. effective


Here are six practical strategies that work.


2.   effective

行之有效翻译为   effective。

The application of the middle line method of dam construction and the tailing transportation using water isolation pumps are an effective way.



1. itinerarly( 行之有效)

2. Treaties in Force( 条约指南;之有效国际条约;现行有效条约)

3. significant form(言之有意的形式)

4. validity(有效 )

5. inflow effective(有效)


effective principles ( 行之有效的原则 )

A proven and effective method A proven method ( 一种行之有效的方法 )

effectively administered inventory control system ( 行之有效库存管理制度 )

effectual remedy ( 行之有效的疗法 )

practical teachings ( 行之有效的教导)

proven engineering techniques ( 行之有效的工程技术 )


1. - And apparently still effective.


2. i just need to feel that if an intruder broke in, i could take care of it... effectively.

译文:我只是想如果有坏人闯进来的话 我能行之有效地... 保护自己。

3. 'Here, on Christmas Day, the President has promised 'an instant and radical solution to the worldwide depression.

译文:在这里 总统承诺在圣诞节 公布一个能迅速解决 全球经济大萧条的行之有效的方法。

4. Yeah, put in a good day's work.


5. Our current strategy isn't working, but i am confident that together, we can find one that does.

译文:我们最近的战略已经不奏效了 但我确信 只要我们团结一致 我们能行之有效的策略。

6. One shape that works well gets repeated over and over again.

译文:- 会聚 一个行之有效的形状 会一而再 再而三地重复。

7. Whereas this conversation that is going on in this blog is about positive movements, about how to change our world in a better way, quickly.

译文:而这个博客正是在向人们展示 环保举措所带来的积极影响 一些行之有效的方式,让我们的世界变得更好。

8. There's nothing wrong with being adopted.


9. And so incidentally, if you want to reduce the amount of smell, clear-cutting your armpits is a very effective way of reducing the habitat for bacteria, and you'll find they remain less smelly for much longer.

译文:所以, 如果你想减少气味, 除去腋窝的毛发 是减少细菌温床的 最行之有效的方法, 并且你会发现这样可以 使减少气味的效果保持得更久。

10. The interests i represent have learned to deal effectively over the years with high-grading and other forms of theft by employees.

译文:我代表的利益方 经年累月对付惯偷老油条行之有效。

11. He changed the way the Picts fought. it worked.

译文:他改变了皮科特人的战术 而且行之有效。

12. Don't be afraid to help yourself


13. On the contrary, clinical trials are extremely useful tools, and are much needed to address the burden of disease in developing countries.

译文:相反,要改善病人状况,它绝对是一种行之有效的方法 而且那些发展中国家也非常需要临床实验来 减轻他们的医疗负担。

14. We mustn't jump to conclusions


15. Even junk have their use high class parts as always!

译文:废铁也有废铁行之有效的利用方法 呀 这次也是上等货啊。

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