信用证中常见用英语怎么说 信用证中常见英语翻译

信用证中常见用英语怎么说 信用证中常见英语翻译

信用证中常见的英语翻译是"marginal credit",还可以翻译为wisment,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到20个与信用证中常见相关的短语释义和例句。


1. marginal credit

信用证中常见翻译为marginal credit。

示例:And it is full of marginal constit...
而苏格兰有很多边缘选... 我是说 经济萧条地区 And it is full of marginal constit...


2. wisment

3. domiciled credit

信用证中常见翻译为domiciled credit。

示例:No, it's the credit of star Tsui
it's the credit of star Tsui


4. issuing credit

信用证中常见翻译为issuing credit。

示例:We are issuing you a credit card for free.



1. marginal credit([经] 定额信用证, 限额信用证)

2. domiciled credit(托付信用证)

3. issuing credit(开立信用证)

4. wisment( 信用证)

5. specially advised credit([经] 指定信用证, 特别通知信用证)


1. Then, two years ago, he walks into a bank in Atlanta and produces a $500,000 letter of credit and a business card from Formavale.

译文:然后,就在xx年前 他走进了亚特兰大的银行 出示了一张50万美金的信用证 和福梅威尔公司的名片。

2. This strategy is now known as "dogfooding," and it's a common strategy in the business world.


3. Have fun, my dear. Traveller's checks in this. Letter of credit in this.

译文:开玩笑 亲爱的 旅行支票在这里 信用证在这里。

4. it's a wedding kind of a song.


5. Up until that day, these were the animals that were most common in my life.

译文:直到那天, 这些是在我生活中常见的动物。

6. Clean card, clean iD, everything you need.

译文:清白的信用卡、身分证 你的一切所需。

7. Well, let ' s just say, enough to pay for this trip, plus the letter of credit.

译文:我说这足够支付旅行的费用 还有信用证。

8. This is about trustworthiness.


9. it's every day nervousness in a life.


10. Fact is, she stole not only your credit card, but your iD.

译文:她不只偷了你的信用卡 还有身分证。

11. So this happens in physics all the time.


12. - Bank roll ? Please i'll give you a line of credit . - Credit ?

译文:我给你的信用 - 信用。

13. Cash, cards, iD. And this.


14. i've been kind of thinking about it in my-


15. PAN card, ATM card, and credit card.

译文:身份证, 银行卡和信用卡.。

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