经常开门关门用英语怎么说 经常开门关门英语翻译

经常开门关门用英语怎么说 经常开门关门英语翻译

经常开门关门的英语是"normal opening",在日常中也可以翻译为"normal open gate",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到74个与经常开门关门相关的翻译和例句。


1. normal opening

经常开门关门翻译为normal opening。

示例:Blood glucose fine. Liver function, kidney function, normal.


2. normal open gate

经常开门关门翻译为normal open gate。

示例:They open the gate, they open the gate now.
开门 士兵


3. expense constant

经常开门关门翻译为expense constant。

示例:- Why is Marcie doing this? - The loneliness, the constant exile.
the constant exile.


4. overhead expenditure

经常开门关门翻译为overhead expenditure。

示例:Controlling council expenditure.
地方开支监控计划 Controlling council expenditure.



1. normal open gate([电子] 常开门)

2. expense constant([经] 经常开支, 固定费用)

3. overhead expenditure(经常开支,间接费开支)

4. n.o( 常开;常开接点;常开档)

5. normal opening(常开)


1. i was working as a salesman, doing a lot of driving.

译文:我当时是推销员 经常开车。

2. You open up, you feed people, you clean up, you close up, and you go home.

译文:打开门做生意 填饱别人肚子 收拾干净 关门回家。

3. i don't get to drive much at home, so...


4. Next morning, you just open the door and close it again.


5. Ah, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

译文:开门 开门 开门 开门。

6. Yes... you do that a lot, don't you?

译文:对... 你经常开玩笑 是吧。

7. Someone pass me the salad.


8. Why open and shut the door?


9. You'll open in the mornings and i'll close up.

译文:事务所由您去开门 我来关门。

10. Ooh, ooh, shut the door, shut the door. - Why?

译文:噢噢 关门 关门。

11. Cheryl had a little bit too much to drink.

译文:~ 开门关门声 ~ 雪莉喝得有些多.。

12. i hear mysterious door-openers and slammers in the hallways, and having showers every night.

译文:我听见走廊里神秘的开门声和关门声 天天晚上上演。

13. i open and close the place myself every day.

译文:我每天自己来开门关门 I open and close the place myself every day.。

14. - i'm always home, i'll open to you.

译文:- 我经常在家 可以给你开门。

15. Do you do this often? On occasion.


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