电子测量仪器用英语怎么说 电子测量仪器英语翻译

电子测量仪器用英语怎么说 电子测量仪器英语翻译

电子测量仪器的英语为"  electronic measuring apparatus",在日常中也可以翻译为"electronic measuring instrument",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到19个与电子测量仪器相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   electronic measuring apparatus

电子测量仪器翻译为   electronic measuring apparatus。

The design of logic architecture for embedded system is studied based on the basic function and feature of universal electronic measurement instruments.


2. electronic measuring instrument

电子测量仪器翻译为electronic measuring instrument。

The paper mainly describes the work how we should do on design of reducing rating for the military electronic measuring instruments, to improve the reliability of our instruments effectively.


3.   [电子] electronic measuring instrument

电子测量仪器翻译为   [电子] electronic measuring instrument。

The paper mainly describes the work how we should do on reliability qualification test for the electronic measuring instruments.


4.   Electronic measurement instrument

电子测量仪器翻译为   Electronic measurement instrument。

示例:Right note, wrong instrument.
wrong instrument.



1. electronic measuring instrument(电子测量仪器)

2. gauge(测量仪器)

3. measurement apparatus(测量仪器)

4. metrology equipment(测量仪器)

5. metrology equpment(测量仪器)


electronic measuring instrument ( 电子测量仪器仪表 )

Other Electronic Measuring Instruments ( 其他电子测量仪器 )

Electronic Measurement and Instrument Electric Measurement and Apparatus ( 电子测量与仪器 )


1. Here's a biometric device: a pair of Apple Earbuds.

译文:这是个生物测量仪器: 一副苹果耳机。

2. On the back there is scales and measurements for terrestrial navigation.

译文:星盘的背后是刻度和测量仪器, 他们具有定位的功能。

3. Now, let's see what the old phunometer has to say.


4. And also we have an instrument here to visualize the energy we harvest from the solar cell.

译文:这儿我们还有一个测量仪 用来显示我们从太阳能电池收集的能量。

5. Prof, you got a doom meter in this lab? Good Lord, Bubblegum.

译文:教授 你这儿有放射测量仪吗? 上帝啊 泡泡糖。

6. According to our astrometric readings, we are in the mid-21 st century.

译文:从天体测量仪来看 现在是21世纪中业。

7. it measures the electronic activity in your brain.

译文:用来测量你大脑的电子活动 都还正常吗。

8. According to the X-ray, an electronic equipment has been planted in his heart.

译文:X光扫描到你的心脏 有电子跳动的仪器。

9. You're looking for a man with an electronic device.


10. We didn't really have the apparatus to allow us to do the measurements.

译文:我们没有仪器可以做测量 还有很长一段时间。

11. There we can see Fibonacci numbers related to the Golden Section, because Fibonacci and Golden Section relate to the unfolding of the measured meter of matter, as i refer to it.

译文:我们可以看到斐波那契数列和黄金分割有关, 因为两者 我说过,关系到测量仪表的运作。

12. it's some sort of electronic dead zone out there.


13. And with these wearables, we started to collect the first-ever clinical quality data 24-7.

译文:这些可穿戴测量仪让我们 能一周七天,24小时无间断地 获取这些临床质量数据, 这是前所未有的。

14. That gauge don't work. You gotta use the stick.


15. Avionics on this thing, some of them are quite old.


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