锂离子用英语怎么说 锂离子的英语翻译

锂离子用英语怎么说 锂离子的英语翻译

锂离子的英语翻译是"lithium ion -",其次还可以说成"lithium ion -",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到20个与锂离子相关的翻译和例句。


1. lithium ion -

锂离子翻译为 lithium ion -。

When they discharged it, lithium ions and electrons were released from the anode.


2. lithium ion -

锂离子翻译为 lithium ion -。

The ions crossed the electrolyte and the electrons travelled round the external circuit.


3. Li-ion Lithium-ion

锂离子翻译为Li-ion Lithium-ion。

This is to allow the lithium ions free passage.


4.   Li-ion

锂离子翻译为   Li-ion。

示例:Yeah, how did you even get in?
- 嗨 Li



1. lithide( 锂离子)

2. lithides( 锂离子)

3. lithistids( 锂离子)

4. lithium ion(n. 锂离子)

5. lithium ion conductor(锂离子传导器)


lithium-ion battery Li-ion LiB Li-lon ( 锂离子电池 )

Lithium ion polymer lithelloum ion polymer ( 聚合物锂离子 )

mAh polymer lithium ion battery PLIB LIP ( 聚合物锂离子电池 )

lithium ion battery pack lithium-ion batteries li-ion batteries li-ion battery series ( 锂离子电池组 )

Lithium ion batteries lithium-ion battery Lithium ion cell ( 锂离子蓄电池 )

Li-Ion Battery lithium-ion secondary battery Lithium Ion Secondary Batteries lithium secondary batt( 锂离子二次电池 )

LIC Lithium Ion Capacitor ( 锂离子电容器 )

Built-in Lithium Battery ( 内置锂离子电池 )


1. That thing is super ionized!


2. The ions are housed in a trap made of electrical fields.


3. ion source stage in four, three, two...

译文:离子源进程 4 3 2。

4. On the other side, charged particles, or ions, line the muscle cell’s membrane: potassium on the inside, and sodium on the outside.

译文:在间隙的另一侧, 带电粒子,或者离子, 排列在肌肉细胞膜上: 钾离子在内,钠离子在外。

5. A trapped ion quantum computer uses ions as its particles and manipulates them with lasers.

译文:离子阱量子计算机把离子用作所需粒子, 用激光操纵离子。

6. There go your calcium ions... snap, crackle, pop...

译文:通过体内的钙离子 劈啪 砰砰...。

7. The plasmas and the Jacuzzis.


8. A micro black hole using plasma energy.


9. ions can be manipulated very precisely, and they last a long time, but as more ions are added to a trap, it becomes increasingly difficult to control each with precision.

译文:离子可以非常精确地控制, 并且离子寿命长, 但随着陷阱里离子越来越多, 精确控制每个离子就越来越难。

10. is that plasma TV under warranty?


11. Let's hope the heavy ion guys didn't mess up.


12. But there's a slight problem with the ionizer.


13. plasma TVs, hotel reservations.

译文:等离子电视 旅馆预定。

14. Cost you your fortune. break. up the family.

译文:倾家荡产 妻离子散。

15. The net charge on an ion is equal to the number of protons in the ion minus the number of electrons.

译文:离子上的负电荷数量等于离子上质子的数量 减去电子的数量。

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