通过控制用英语怎么说 通过控制英语翻译

通过控制用英语怎么说 通过控制英语翻译

通过控制的英语是"by controlling",在日常中也可以翻译为"through control",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到75个与通过控制相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. by controlling

通过控制翻译为by controlling。

We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical, and conventional arms.


2. through control

通过控制翻译为through control。

By holding in rather than venting "steam", we set the stage for future explosions.



1. dominate by(通过…控制,为…所左右;被俯视)

2. transit(通过 )

3. passage(通过 )

4. don't pass go(通过)

5. fall thru(通过)


Control wheels ( 然后通过控制转轮 )

by the control circuit ( 通过控制电路 )

control surface ( 通过控制表面 )

corrected by controlling ( 通过控制来纠正 )

From Controllers ( 通过控制器 )

Recovery via controller ( 恢复通过控制器 )

Access Lists ( 通过访问控制列表 )

IPMI over LAN ( 并通过单一控制端 )


1. He needed to calm down-- to feel in control by being controlled.

译文:他需要平静 通过被控制 来控制自己。

2. Corporations control you through printed lies.

译文:公司控制你 通过印刷的谎言。

3. exerting control through the rough justice of his fact...

译文:通过他管... 的简易裁决来控制。

4. Deriving power and control By inflicting pain,


5. it's controllable through proper diet and exercise.


6. To begin with, it's a real struggle.

译文:通过控制身体的转动 维持重心的稳定。

7. They can be deactivated using the control panel on your arm.


8. And basically, by controlling the genes, you can control multiple materials to improve your device performance.

译文:基本上通过控制基因 就能够控制多种材料来改进设备性能。

9. We can actually steer the specifics by embracing the larger trend.

译文:我们可以通过拥抱 大趋势来控制细节。

10. There's your thermal monitor.

译文:在这里,通过转动控制, 热规,深度表 -。

11. (Applause) Basically, by controlling the genes, you can control multiple materials to improve your device performance.

译文:基本上通过控制基因 就能够控制多种材料来改进设备性能。

12. He's running the whole thing from his work phone.


13. He stays running his restaurant in L.A. You maintain control of the money through your daughter.

译文:你则通过女儿 实际控制这笔钱。

14. And then by moving through the water it’s able to take that control.

译文:通过在水中的运动, 它能够控制自如。

15. it's relaxation through brainwave manipulation.


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