不论数量多少用英语怎么说 不论数量多少英语翻译

不论数量多少用英语怎么说 不论数量多少英语翻译

不论数量多少的英语是"down to go",还网络中常译为"doozen",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到30个与不论数量多少相关的短语释义和例句。


1. down to go

不论数量多少翻译为down to go。

示例:Down and down and down i go
飞呀我飞下来 Down and down and down I go


2. doozen

3. doilful

4. muchity


1. howmany(多少)

2. down to go(完成(多少)未完(多少))

3. doozen( 多少)

4. doilful( 多少)

5. muchity( 多少)


1. - For better or for worse. - in sickness or in health.

译文:不论贫富 不论健康或疾病。

2. if it is male, we will buy it no matter how much.


3. We don't know how strong their force is or what they're capable of.

译文:我们不知道他们的数量有多少 或是武力有多强大。

4. What's the smallest number we can get away with?


5. i guess some people never learn... no matter how many times you beat them.


6. How many trailing zeros should there be at the end of the count of rabbits in the bottom habitat?

译文:最底层小屋中 兔子的数量应该含有多少个0。

7. Fοr better οr wοrse... fοr richer οr pοοrer... in sickness and in health... till death dο us part...

译文:不论更好更坏 不论更富更贫 不论健康疾病。

8. "For better or for worse."


9. Emotional expression, however much or however little, is difficult for me.

译文:情感上的表达, 不论多少, 对我来说都很困难。

10. i want you to find whoever's responsible for this however many of them there are.

译文:我要你找到真凶 不论他们有多少人。

11. i want to say just this... that no matter how much public money, we, the government, devote to good causes, there will always be a place for private generosity like yours, ladies and gentlemen, tonight.

译文:我想说的就是 : 不论有多少的公款... 我们, 政府, 致力于公益...。

12. What's the smallest number we can get away with?


13. For whatever we discover that a plant is teetering on the brink of extinction, we can now boost its numbers with seeds from here and so ensure that no plant species on earth need go extinct.

译文:我们不论发现 哪种植物面临灭顶之灾 这里的种子都能使其数量激增。

14. "Replenished of good and bad."


15. Of course it's lifesaving and important and we have to do it, but at the end of the day, no matter how many cows, how many people we vaccinate, we're still going to have exactly the same amount of rabies up there in the bats.

译文:当然,这能挽救生命, 也很重要,我们要做这件事, 但归根结底, 不论我们给多少头牛、 多少个人接种疫苗, 蝙蝠身上始终 将携带同样数量的狂犬病毒。

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