个人经历范文用英语怎么说 个人经历范文英语翻译

个人经历范文用英语怎么说 个人经历范文英语翻译

个人经历范文通常被翻译为"Fan Wencheng"的意思,还经常被译作model essay,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到28个与个人经历范文相关的译文和例句。


1. Fan Wencheng

个人经历范文翻译为Fan Wencheng。

示例:Or just a big Stallone fan?
Or just a big Stallone fan?


2. model essay

个人经历范文翻译为model essay。

示例:You spent the day building a model?
You spent the day building a model?


3. personal experiences

个人经历范文翻译为personal experiences。

示例:is about Pat's personal experiences
这本新书 是倾城武的亲身经历呀


4. war story

个人经历范文翻译为war story。

示例:i'm telling you, it's War.
- it's war. it's war.



1. personal experiences( 个人经历;个人资讯;切身经验)

2. model essay(范文)

3. war story(英勇故事(指个人经历中冒险活动等难忘的事))

4. Fan Wencheng(范文程)

5. pham van dong( 范文同)


1. The second myth is my personal experience.


2. We wanted to show them that the whole world was on their side, as they were going through this deeply personal experience.

译文:我们想让她们知道, 当她们步入这段深刻的个人经历, 这个世界是站在她们那一边的。

3. What i want to communicate mostly is about the death toll, with personal stories, things that connect with--

译文:我最想说的 是死亡人数 个人经历 以及那些能打动...。

4. Hawaii wasn't alone experiencing volcanic activity.

译文:夏威夷是不是一个人经历 火山活动。

5. Detective Lahey about his personal experience within his department.


6. A person experiences a trauma and they want to erase it from their minds.

译文:一个人经历了创伤 而想要从心里抹掉。

7. it's our lives, our personal stories, our friends, our families, and in many ways, also our hopes and our aspirations.

译文:这还是我们的生活、个人经历、 我们的朋友、家庭, 以及某种意义上,也是我们的愿景。

8. These are out there, but it's more of the personal that interests me, and this is -- this is who i am.

译文:但是我还是对个人经历更感兴趣 这是因为 我就是这样的人。

9. - it's kind of based on, uh, personal experience.


10. His novels and short stories often forge fantastic connections between personal experience, supernatural possibilities, and Japanese history.

译文:他的小说和短篇故事往往巧妙地结合起 个人经历、 超自然现象以及日本的历史。

11. Many were touched by my personal story, and they shared their stories in return.

译文:很多人被我的个人经历感动 他们也回应分享他们的故事。

12. You care about her personal history?


13. And the best way i can explain that is through one of my own adventures.

译文:对此,我的一次个人经历 可以做出最好的解释。

14. We know from our personal experiences that it's easy sometimes just to walk, and sometimes you may need to fight.

译文:从个人经历出发 我们知道谈判中 有时需要起身离开, 有时需要据理力争。

15. Because what we've done in our personal evolutions is build up a large repertoire of specific skills and abilities that are specific to our own individual histories.

译文:因为我们每个人在个人进化中所做的, 是建立一套巨大的特定的 受我们个人经历影响的技能与能力。

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