服务社会用英语怎么说 服务社会英语翻译

服务社会用英语怎么说 服务社会英语翻译

服务社会的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为service the society -,其次还可以说成"  Community service",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到33个与服务社会相关的翻译和例句。


1. service the society -

服务社会翻译为 service the society -。

Companies cannot continue to pretend to serve society while simultaneously acting against it.


2.   Community service

服务社会翻译为   Community service。

A university can let its value shine through, truly put itself at society's service, and become a leader only when it can interact intimately with society.


3. service the society

服务社会翻译为service the society。

Can they really justify that their missions and programs are serving the common good?


4.   Social Services

服务社会翻译为   Social Services。

示例:Social Services is coming.
社福人员 将会过来



1. educational testing service(〈美〉教育考试服务社)

2. Financial Advisory Service(财政咨询服务社)

3. indexing service(索引工作;索引服务社)

4. social service(社会公益服务\n[经] 社会公益服务)

5. social service training(社会服务训练)


social service agency ( 社会服务机构 )

system of old-age services ( 养老社会服务体系 )

social services social work ( 社会服务 )

the system of services for people with disabilities ( 残疾人社会服务体系 )

Social and Human Services Social Human Services ( 人类社会服务业 )

socialization of information services service socialization ( 服务社会化 )

Zhejinag Land & Resources ( 重抓基层服务社会 )

China Power Enterprise Management ( 成就自我服务社会 )


1. Yeah, hey, uh, listen, social services--

译文:嗯 嘿 听着 社会服务中心...。

2. A 1ittle socia. i serrvlce.


3. But she is strong and serves the community dactylology You idoit dactylology so easy to cheat

译文:逆境自强,服务社群 (手语)你真笨 (手语)这样也被我们骗倒了。

4. And it's been a privilege to serve, but i always had the best role models in the world.

译文:能够服务社会一向是我的荣幸, 而我有世上最好的榜样——我父母。

5. We're taking her into custody. Social Services.


6. At least we can make an appeal.


7. And also to help you, to help the community so you can do ads on that Rover, we are going to train that Rover to actually in addition to do this, to actually serve cocktails, you know, also on Mars.

译文:同时服务您,服务社会 您可以在火星上打广告,我们可以训练火星车 附带做这些,提供鸡尾酒, 在火星上。

8. They were just doing business as usual.

译文:规矩做事 服务社会国家的人 They were just doing business as usual.。

9. So you think they're doing the public a service?


10. You're calling social services?


11. He has to go to counseling, though.


12. i will give away half of my net worth To the benefit of our home.

译文:我将把我的公司资产 一半捐出来 服务社会。

13. is he from social services?


14. Arthur Brooks, social Services.

译文:Arthur Brooks社会服务处的。

15. - i'm calling Social Services.

译文:- 我呼吁社会服务。

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