往好的方面说用英语怎么说 往好的方面说英语翻译

往好的方面说用英语怎么说 往好的方面说英语翻译

往好的方面说的英语是"direct run",还经常被译作writeto,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到96个与往好的方面说相关的短语释义和例句。


1. direct run

往好的方面说翻译为direct run。

示例:'Cause you have not run a direct military order!
因为你没有运行 一个直接的军令状!


2. writeto

3. on the upside

往好的方面说翻译为on the upside。

示例:Glasses or cups, whatever it was... upside-down.
upside -down. Glasses or cups, whatever it was...


4. dowellin


1. dowellin(在……方面表现好)

2. in all ways(从各方面说)

3. on the upside(从正面看\n从好的方面来看)

4. direct run(往测)

5. writeto(往…写)


1. Look on the bright side. At least we're still rich.

译文:往好的方面看 我们还是富人。

2. "Always expect the best from your friends and never assume the worst."


3. On the upside, you did steal the right chapter.

译文:但往好的方面想 你偷到了那章节的法典。

4. My bad. Good things. Good things.


5. Just think positive. Never let a doubt enter your mind.

译文:往好的方面想 不要多想。

6. On the plus side, the nose is healing nicely.

译文:往好的方面看 鼻子恢复得挺好的 On the plus side, the nose is healing nicely.。

7. They're saying a tsunami is coming toward Korea now.


8. it makes you appreciate the good things in life.


9. Look on the bright side, you know?


10. That's right. Keep thinking happy thoughts. Now!

译文:这样就对了,要往好的方面想 动手吧,章鱼哥。

11. On the upside, i think she had a really good time.


12. i mean, i don't... i don't think about you that way.

译文:我是说 我 我没往方面想你。

13. Look at the bright side, Mrs. C.


14. i ain't never thought about it like that.


15. Look, the, uh, silver lining is that... that you know more about this guy than anyone else.

译文:往好的方面看 你比其他人都更了解这家伙。

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