一个很薄用英语怎么说 一个很薄英语翻译

一个很薄用英语怎么说 一个很薄英语翻译

一个很薄用英语翻译为"not one",还可以翻译为yet another,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到19个与一个很薄相关的短语释义和例句。


1. not one

一个很薄翻译为not one。

示例:We look at all five again, properly, one by one.
one by one.


2. yet another

一个很薄翻译为yet another。

示例:isn't that what Heaton-Harris is proposing?
-Harris is proposing? 但它同时也是对美国宪法 and it's yet another affront


3. a

4. one by one

一个很薄翻译为one by one。

示例:No, one was for him and one was for his girlfriend
one was for him and one was for his girlfriend



1. on the trot(一个接一个)

2. one by one(一个接一个)

3. a(一个 )

4. yet another(另外一个,还有一个…)

5. not one( 没有一个;没有一个会;不是一个)


1. Chill out, chill out, chill out, chill out, chill out, chill out, chill out, chill out, chill out!

译文:来一个,来一个,来一个 来一个,来一个,来一个。

2. They are so thin. it's obvious they do not go in the dishwasher.

译文:杯子很薄的 很明显不能放进洗碗机。

3. it's fragile, but it's the angle.

译文:它很薄弱 但也是个角度。

4. The TV in my hotel thickness.


5. So we take a hair-thin glass tube, a capillary, and we collect that tiny droplet.

译文:我们用一个很薄的玻璃管,毛细管, 来收集这些小液滴。

6. Maybe people from next door is taking a bath.


7. Well, the walls are kind of thin though.


8. An officer and a gentleman. A leader of men, a hero.

译文:一个军官 一个绅士 一个男人 一个英雄。

9. The throat's been cut with a very thin knife.

译文:喉管割断了 是把很薄的刀。

10. if you took the human neocortex and stretched it out, it's about the size of a table napkin, and it's still a thin structure.

译文:如果你有一个人的新大脑皮层 然后把它伸展开, 大概有一方餐巾那么大, 它也是一个很薄的构造。

11. And his control over himself is slender.


12. Come on, one more time. Come on, one more, one more.


13. And my skin is so dry and flaky.

译文:我的皮肤很干 很薄。

14. You can make it very thin; it's easy to work with; and it has great properties for reflecting and heat protection.

译文:所以它是一个绝佳的隔热板 因为它延展性极好 所以你可以把它做得很薄。

15. i don't know. The wall's pretty thick. Are you all right?

译文:―我不知道 ―墙很薄 你没事吧。

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