背井离乡用英语怎么说 背井离乡英语翻译

背井离乡用英语怎么说 背井离乡英语翻译

背井离乡的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  Displaced from their homes,其次还可以说成"pull stakes",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到43个与背井离乡相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Displaced from their homes

背井离乡翻译为   Displaced from their homes。

More than 600,000 people were displaced by the tsunami.


2. pull stakes

背井离乡翻译为pull stakes。

Around 10 000 people have been displaced by the fighting.


3. go into exile

背井离乡翻译为go into exile。

Even exile could not provide escape from the terror.


4.   so far away from home

背井离乡翻译为   so far away from home。

示例:At least from this far away.
At least from this far away.



1. Zemblan( 背井离乡的赞布兰)

2. shattered dreams( 破碎的梦;无力者哀歌;离乡背井去打工)

3. expatted(expat\n[,eks'pat]\nn.\n[英国口语]\n侨民,移居国外者\n放弃原国籍者\n被流放(国外)者\n离乡背井者,远离祖国者)

4. expatting(expat\n[,eks'pat]\nn.\n[英国口语]\n侨民,移居国外者\n放弃原国籍者\n被流放(国外)者\n离乡背井者,远离祖国者)


Their homes hard hard hard Uprooted hard hard hard ( 背井离乡难难难 )

Face from their homes abroad ( 出国留学面临背井离乡 )

Paradise Lost Exile afield ad ( 离乡背井 )

send oneself into exile ( 自愿背井离乡 )

Shattered Dreams ( 离乡背井去打工 )

displace ( 使离乡背井 )


1. Cold be heart and hand and bone Cold be travelers far from home

译文:我们背井离乡 冰透心 寒彻骨。

2. Not Buddha also ventured and taste so much suffering.


3. Leaving to find a better life for your family.

译文:背井离乡 为家人谋求更好的生活。

4. Because he's a "gentleman" and a renegade who prefers to forget about his hometown.


5. And the war that drove them there was still raging in its fourth year.

译文:那场迫使他们背井离乡的战争 已经进入第xx年。

6. A girl who flees her country and changes her name doesn't wanna be found.

译文:一个女孩背井离乡 改名换姓是不希望别人找到自己。

7. People leave their homes, they walk for many days.

译文:人们背井离乡, 他们徒步行走数天.。

8. How can i be? Ripped from my native land, alone in this jungle?

译文:我怎么背井离乡 孤身跑到这丛林里来了。

9. it wasn't until i left my country of origin for the United States that i realized the impact of her words.

译文:直到我背井离乡来到美国 我才真正明白了她的那句话。

10. Away from home, away from home.

译文:背井离乡 渐行渐远。

11. Because of this, all three brothers and their families had to vacate their home.

译文:为此,三兄弟和他们的家人 不得不背井离乡。

12. Here are the facts: 65 million people displaced from their homes by violence and persecution last year.

译文:数据显示:去年xx年, 有6500万人因为 暴力和迫害背井离乡。

13. This is what happens when you leave your home.


14. that my brother and i were gonna have to move to Massachusetts... to live with my aunt and uncle.

译文:我和哥哥只能背井离乡前往马萨诸塞州 投靠了叔叔婶婶。

15. ♪ it's been so long since i've been home


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