不定期刑判决用英语怎么说 不定期刑判决英语翻译

不定期刑判决用英语怎么说 不定期刑判决英语翻译

不定期刑判决用英语翻译为"relative indeterminate sentence",其次还可以说成"indefinite appointment",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到32个与不定期刑判决相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. relative indeterminate sentence

不定期刑判决翻译为relative indeterminate sentence。

示例:Obnoxious English relative.
Obnoxious English relative.


2. indefinite appointment

不定期刑判决翻译为indefinite appointment。

示例:And that means that it's there for an indefinite time,
这意味着,它的 还有一个不确定的时间,


3. irregular intervals

不定期刑判决翻译为irregular intervals。

示例:No, highly irregular is the time i found a human foot in a toaster oven.
highly irregular is the time I found


4. maintenance unscheduled

不定期刑判决翻译为maintenance unscheduled。

示例:- for unscheduled maintenance.
- 尽行例行修整



1. indeterminate sentence([法] 不定期刑)

2. relative indeterminate sentence(相对不定期刑)

3. irregular intervals(不定期出版,不定期发行)

4. maintenance unscheduled(不定期维修;不定期保养)

5. indefinite appointment(不定期任期)


1. So, we thought we'd randomly call some nutritionists to see what their opinions were when it came to eating fast food.

译文:因此,我认为不定期地 给一些营养学家打电话 听听他们的观点是什么 什么时候该去吃快餐。

2. i just like to move on now and then.


3. it's open. So you can use it anytime you like.


4. The jury decides questions of guilt or innocence.

译文:判决都下了 难道你不服判决。

5. How much are you willing to give me... to keep Daniela?

译文:你也看到了是一个什么样的女人, 在上帝面前不不定期是一个 脏东西罢了 你为什么还要给予她太多。

6. Open it it's tickets to Nice


7. Busted credit, large cash deposits at erratic intervals.

译文:信用卡全爆了 不定期有大额现金注入。

8. i have just been informed of an unscheduled inventory in two days.

译文:我刚接获通知 两天后就要不定期盘点。

9. At least a year, and back in the first year, he paid erratically, When he felt like it.

译文:至少xx年了 而且第xx年的时候 他是不定期交的 要看他心情。

10. And then the verdict comes in.


11. - Verdict? it was a guilty verdict.

译文:- 判决结果。

12. it may be that the more period of detention to be cut.


13. it was also arranged that, in the event of a run, central banks would support local banks with emergency infusions of gold.

译文:政府会不定期地检查这项法律有没有被遵守 同时 政府还承诺 在挤兑发生的时候。

14. it's "probation" with an "o"...


15. "Adventures on a tramp steamer." See?

译文:《不定期货船上的冒险》 瞧见了吗。

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