修筑用英语怎么说 修筑的英语翻译

修筑用英语怎么说 修筑的英语翻译

修筑在英语中的翻译是"build",其次还可以说成"  construct",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到24个与修筑相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. build


Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true: reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic.


2.   construct

修筑翻译为   construct。

They didn't want people staring at them as they sat on the lawn, so they put up high walls.


3. construct


We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools.


4. put up

修筑翻译为put up。

示例:Did Phil put you up to this?
- - did Phil put you up to this?



1. crenelate(修筑垛口 )

2. crenelation(修筑垛口 )

3. step cutting(修筑台阶)

4. found a fort(修筑堡垒)

5. terracing machine(梯田修筑机)


architect simcity creator ( 修筑师 )

Diggin' in ( 修筑战壕 )

structure ( 修筑物 )

building ( 修筑建筑物 )

Building reservoirs Reservoir built Construction of reservoirs ( 修筑水库 )

V - Advanced Structures ( 高等修筑构造 )

Four Books on Architecture ( 修筑四书 )


1. in the 1930s, Roosevelt put thousands and thousands of Americans back to work by building bridges and infrastructure and tunnels, but he also did something interesting, which was to hire a few hundred writers to scour America to capture the stories of ordinary Americans.

译文:上世纪xx年代 通过建造桥梁、公共建设和修筑隧道的方式 罗斯福总统让成千上万美国人重回工作岗位 与此同时,他做了一件有趣的事 他雇佣了几百名作家 到全国各地去搜集普通百姓的故事。

2. it rests entirely on sand.


3. Perhaps one day we’ll be able to harness our homegrown glaciers well enough to build whole walls of ice– this time not for keeping people out, but to enable life in some of the planet’s harshest landscapes.

译文:也许有一天,我们足以利用自己培育的冰川 来修筑冰墙—— 而这次,并不是为了将敌人阻挡在外, 而是为了让生命在地球上 一些最为严酷的地方得以存续。

4. Everything was geared to keep the crematoria running.

译文:这是主要目标, 囚犯会 修筑通向火葬场的道路。

5. He used up his entire fortune building that railroad of his and shut off access to 99% of the country.

译文:他倾尽所有的财产修筑铁路 几乎阻绝与外界联系。

6. hoover is so thick that over 70 years after it was constructed the concrete deep inside was still curing.

译文:大坝是如此的厚实 修筑已超过70多年 其内部的混凝土仍然保持干燥密封。

7. Great Dunsinane he strongly fortifies.


8. The Great Wall began as multiple walls of rammed earth built by individual feudal states during the Chunqiu period to protect against nomadic raiders north of China and each other.

译文:长城最初是多座泥土夯实的城墙 由春秋战国时期的各个独立封建国家修筑 以抵制中国北方游牧民族的侵略者 以及其它各国。

9. As you see, the cell is this incredibly changing, dynamic place, where things are constantly being built and disassembled.

译文:如各位所见,细胞是一个 时刻变化、非常活跃的地方, 各种东西都在不停的 被修筑和拆解。

10. By building his wall, he challenged my strength.


11. But it is where they are building the railroad.


12. He very seldom argues with the Germans.

译文:唯独犹太人被迫修筑围墙 并要他们自己付钱时。

13. Moses was ordered to construct a gate around the mountain, otherwise the israelites will be damished".

译文:他命摩西在圣山周围为他修筑一扇门 否则以色列地区将会受到灾难"。

14. in a world ruled by a giant beaver, mankind builds many dams to please the beaver overlord.

译文:在一个由巨型海狸统治的世界 人类会修筑许多堤坝来取悦领主。

15. it was reconstructed about the turn of the century in steel.

译文:在世纪之交的时候 用钢铁重新修筑。

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