死猫用英语怎么说 死猫的英语翻译

死猫用英语怎么说 死猫的英语翻译

死猫的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  Dead Cat,其次还可以说成"  Death cat",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到58个与死猫相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   Dead Cat

死猫翻译为   Dead Cat。

Say--how do you cure 'em with dead cats?


2.   Death cat

死猫翻译为   Death cat。

Huckleberry Finn was there, with his dead cat.



1. nonsmall( 死猫)

2. end one's days(死)

3. fatal shears(死)

4. find one's grave(死)

5. go to glory(死)


Curiosity killed the cat Curiosity Kill CuriosituKillstheCat The curiousity kills the cat ( 好奇害死猫 )

dead cat bounce ( 死猫反弹 )

dead cat bounce ( 死猫式反弹 )

Curiousity Killed the cat Curiosity kills a cat ( 好奇心害死猫 )

dead cat bounce dead cat jump ( 死猫跳 )

Curious cat Strange Silly Cat curious about the dead cat ( 好奇傻死猫 )

dead cat bounce ( 死猫弹 )

Dead Cat Bounce ( 死猫诈尸 )


1. - Pervert! - And act as scapegoat 2.2 times

译文:变态佬 同食2.2次死猫...。

2. And the shit in the letter box. in addition, the dead cat.

译文:信箱里的大便 死猫。

3. Hey, buddy, you got a dead cat in there or what?

译文:老友 你里面有只死猫还是什么。

4. Be the cat, be the cat, be the cat, be the cat, be the cat!

译文:Be the cat, be the cat, be the cat, be the cat, be the cat! 我 是猫,猫,是猫,猫,那只猫! 我。

5. Cats don't die from eating onion, do they?


6. He didn't die but the cat did of old age.

译文:他没有死... ...但那只猫 老死了.。

7. Keep your voice down. - You did say something about wanting to flatten the cat.


8. He smells like a dead cat.


9. Do you have any dead cats or dogs at home?


10. That woman! That...feline!


11. You´re as happy as me with the cat´s dead.


12. See? Every now and then, an occasional long shot pays off.

译文:明白了吧 猫是会碰上死老鼠。

13. Damn Mosquito, her cat ran off.


14. A cat. Dead cat. Used to belong to a friend of mine.


15. The dead cat by the bed! Choke me!

译文:床边有只死猫 快用它勒住我。

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