终身职用英语怎么说 终身职的英语翻译

终身职用英语怎么说 终身职的英语翻译

终身职用英语说"life tenure",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到81个与终身职相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. life tenure

终身职翻译为life tenure。

Unlike many tenure calendars, the PLT schedule is flexible; at any point during the first 6 years, the laboratory can award a permanent position.



1. life employment(终身职)

2. life tenure([法] 终身租用, 终身职, 终身任期)

3. life long job(终身职业)

4. freehold of office([法] 终身职务)

5. job for life(un. 终身职务\n 终身职业;一世的工作;身雇用)


life-long tenure ( 终身职务制 )

job-for-life ( 终身职业 )

Tenure tenured professor Tenure-Track Associate Curator ( 终身教职 )

life-long vocational education ( 终身职业教育 )

A Lifelong Career ( 一个终身职业 )

a lifetime professorship ( 终身教授职务 )

Post-tenure review ( 终身教职后评估 )

Non-tenure Track ( 非终身教职 )


1. i think now you might actually get tenure by working on consciousness.

译文:我想,说不定人们能通过研究意识 得到终身职位呢。

2. Now, we can either sit around and cry over spilt professor... or we can rejoice in the knowledge that a tenured position has just opened up.

译文:我们要么坐着为死去的教授默哀 要么庆祝下刚空出来一个终身职位。

3. The big one. Life. Ha, ha.


4. Well, you do what you want, but i don't wanna lose my friends over tenure.

译文:随便你怎么做 不过我不想因为 抢这个终身职位而失去我的朋友。

5. There aren't any open races. Not in Texas.


6. But the thing that struck me is, one guy said in exasperation, a very famous neurobiologist, he said, "Look, in my discipline it's okay to be interested in consciousness, but get tenure first. Get tenure first."

译文:但出乎我意料的是,一个很有名的 神经生物学家恼怒地说:“听着 干这一行,你对意识感兴趣没关系 但先拿到终身职位再说。要先拿到终身职位!”。

7. - i'm on duty, i'm afraid.

译文:- 我在当职。

8. To be a house-father is important, but it is no lifetime job.


9. Lifetime contract, in writing.


10. - What? - You suspend him, you suspend me.

译文:-你停他职 停我职。

11. Publishing articles helps you get tenure and more research grants down the road.

译文:发表论文帮你得到终身职位, 以及更多的研究经费。

12. There are a lot of stakeholders with lots of interests and misaligned incentives like publishing, promotion and tenure.

译文:很多手中握有重大利益的投资人 以不当的激励方式比如发布、晋升、 提供终身职位的方式吸引着科学家。

13. Umar was paralyzed for life.


14. - authority and command...

译文:- 权职和命令。

15. Every person who... chooses the service of God as his life's work has something in common.

译文:每一个 选择以侍奉神明为终身职责的人都有共同点。

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