雨蒙蒙的英语可以这样说:grey day,还经常被译作it's drizzling,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到93个与雨蒙蒙相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. grey day
雨蒙蒙翻译为grey day。
Rain misty rainy night, under the street light smoke.
2. it's drizzling
雨蒙蒙翻译为it's drizzling。
This section of the country is drizzly in the winter.
3. mizzlings
Thus, it seems to be raining continuously, at least in a drizzle.
4. hazy weather
雨蒙蒙翻译为hazy weather。
示例:Forget about the steel, the weather is bad recently
the weather is bad recently
1. it's drizzling( 下着毛毛细雨;阴雨蒙蒙;正在下毛毛雨)
2. matermone( 西蒙蒙)
3. hazy weather(雾蒙蒙的天气)
4. mizzlings(n. 细雨;蒙蒙雨\nvi. 逃亡;下蒙蒙雨)
5. grey day(阴天; 灰蒙蒙的天气)
Romance in the Rain Drizzle in the Morning Misty Sky and Endless Love ( 情深深雨蒙蒙 )
Dense Cloud Misty Rain Dense Cloud Misty Rain Dense Cloudand Misty Rain ( 云深深雨蒙蒙 )
Irish hurricane ( 细雨蒙蒙中的风平浪静 )
Misty Rain ( 烟雨蒙蒙 )
Tonight the Rain Tonight rain mist This night rain ( 今夜雨蒙蒙 )
Drizzle mist of what home ( 细雨蒙蒙 )
Romance in the Rain ( 情深深雨蒙蒙剧情介绍 )
The Spring Rain Drizzling ( 春雨蒙蒙地下 )
mizzle fine rain drizzle ( 蒙蒙雨 )
1. And you know the moment when you cross into the Southern Ocean -- the latitude and longitude -- you know when you're there, the waves have been building, they start getting big whitecaps on the top, it becomes really gray, you start to get sensory deprivation.
译文:当你进入南大洋的那一刻—— 可以通过纬度和经度来判断—— 你到达之后就会发现 那里风高浪急, 巨浪的顶部不断涌起白色的浪花, 你的眼前只有灰蒙蒙的一片, 你的感官开始失灵。
2. - So, how's the environment?
译文:最近大气候如何? 灰蒙蒙的是吗? So, how's the environment。
3. Coffee for sailors with salt-marked faces... in a foggy bar with smoke, pipes, and embalmed monsters.
译文:给脸上刻满了盐的水手们泡咖啡 在一个满是烟雾、哨子声和发霉怪物的 雾蒙蒙的酒吧里。
4. And yet, what they're confronted with is pretty bleak, horrid, grey, unwelcoming and sometimes unsafe because of all the traffic zooming around.
译文:然而,他们面临的是 相当荒凉,可怕,灰蒙蒙, 有疏离感且有时不安全的景象, 因为周边日益增长的交通规模。
5. Everything just looks so gray around here, and looks so cold.
译文:环顾四周,尽都灰蒙蒙的 让人心生寒意。
6. it was raining outside, and... there was a... mist on the window...
译文:外面下着雨... 玻璃上雾蒙蒙的...。
7. The vision isn't sharp, and too many people walking to toilets.
译文:蒙蒙胧胧的! 经常还见到前面的人站起来去厕所。
8. So when i see that picture, that fog inside your brain should just swallow up all the memories, right?
译文:所以只要我看到那照片,你雾蒙蒙的脑子里... 关于她的记忆就会立刻消散,对吗。
9. * Beneath the smoking skies *
译文:* 走在灰蒙蒙的天空下 *。
10. i'm back in London. i missed the rain.
译文:我已经回伦敦了 我想念这烟雨蒙蒙的天气。
11. The autumn flowers are in bloom. The mountains are all white, like snow.
12. Typical day out here. Rain, foggy, a lot of wind.
译文:很特别的一天 在这里 烟雨蒙蒙 还夹杂着点风。
13. it's a cold, grey world outside, stay here.
14. OK, that's fair enough, but you've got to test that prediction so you get on a plane, you leave Denver on a nice gray day, you fly to LA, you look up and the sky is gloriously blue.
译文:好的,这很合理, 但你得验证那个预测, 于是你坐上飞机,在一个 灰蒙蒙的好日子里离开丹佛, 飞到洛杉矶,望向天空, 天空映衬着壮丽的蔚蓝色。
15. i thought in the morning mists that curled around the bayou
译文:我觉得在早晨,笼罩河湾的蒙蒙迷雾中 I thought in the morning mists that curled around the bayou。