多孔介质用英语怎么说 多孔介质英语翻译

多孔介质用英语怎么说 多孔介质英语翻译

多孔介质用英语说"porous media",在日常中也可以翻译为"porous media -",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到61个与多孔介质相关的释义和例句。


1. porous media

多孔介质翻译为porous media。

The extraction technology using the porous media to be impregnated by solvent is an effective separation method.


2. porous media -

多孔介质翻译为 porous media -。

At a given saturation nonwetting permeabilities for an unconsolidated porous medium are higher than the drainage permeabilities.


3. porous media -

多孔介质翻译为 porous media -。

The effects of some porous medium parameters on the heat output of Downhole Coaxial Heat Exchangers were carried out.


4. porous medium

多孔介质翻译为porous medium。

示例:Have a good day. Uh, medium burger with fries.
medium burger and fries.



1. layered porous medium(层状多孔介质)

2. porous media flow(多孔介质流)

3. porous medium([化] 多孔介质)

4. unconsolidated porous medium(松散多孔介质)

5. unsaturated porous media(非饱和多孔介质)


saturated porous media ( 饱和多孔介质 )

porous model ( 多孔介质模型 )

bicontinuous porous media ( 双连续多孔介质 )

heterogeneous porous media non-homogeneous porous medium ( 非均质多孔介质 )

fissured porous medium ( 裂缝性多孔介质 )

heterogeneousporousmedium ( 非均匀多孔介质 )

sphere packing ( 球粒人造多孔介质模型 )

Journal of Porous Media ( 多孔介质期刊 )


1. Bones might seem rock-solid, but they’re actually quite porous inside.

译文:骨头看上去和石块一样坚固, 但它们中心其实有相当多孔。

2. Then the bomb would only provide a fantastically rich growth medium.

译文:这样核弹只会提供大量的 生长介质.。

3. There's porifera, coelenterata Hydrozoa, scyphozoa

译文:类别不同,纲不同 多孔腔虫、水螅虫。

4. You want your liver medium?


5. Get out of my way. i'm trying to go to the break room.


6. Lower Manhattan is layer upon layer of substrate.


7. There's Porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphozoa

译文:类别不同,纲不同 多孔腔虫。

8. Olaf, make mine medium rare!

译文:奥拉夫 矿介质罕见。

9. But there was no engineering software to model something porous and moving.

译文:但当时没有设计软件 来模拟这种多孔物体的移动。

10. And he thought to himself, "They go from one density of medium, the air, into another density of medium, water, without a splash. Look at this picture.

译文:让他灵光一闪,“他们从一种密度的介质,空气 进入另一种密度的介质,水 却溅不起一丝水花。”看看这张照片。

11. i believe that music can reclaim its space as the driving medium.

译文:我相信音乐可以回收 其作为驱动介质的空间。

12. But there was no engineering software to model something porous and moving.

译文:但当时没有设计软件 来模拟这种多孔物体的移动。

13. This virus is spreading rapidly through air and water-.


14. Unlike matter, waves travel better through denser materials.

译文:不同于其他物质 介质越稠密 越有利于振动波的传播。

15. With Afghanistan's porous borders, it's possible Bin Laden has already slipped out of the country.

译文:随着阿富汗 多孔边界, 这是可能的拉登 已经滑落 出了国。

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