转发朋友圈用英语怎么说 转发朋友圈英语翻译

转发朋友圈用英语怎么说 转发朋友圈英语翻译

转发朋友圈的英语是"pal",在日常中也可以翻译为"friend crush",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到10个与转发朋友圈相关的译文和例句。


1. pal


示例:Pal, pal, you wanna negotiate?
PAL,PAL, 你想谈呢?


2. friend crush

转发朋友圈翻译为friend crush。

示例:You have a crush on her, my friend!


3. amigo


示例:Push off on your little moonlight excursion. Adios, amigo.
Adios, amigo(西语:


4. transpond


1. transpond(转发)

2. amigo(朋友 )

3. pal(朋友 )

4. friend crush(朋友)

5. FOAF( 朋友的朋友(Friend Of A Friend);朋友信息;关于朋友的朋友)


1. At the same time, he joined the small group of Nervoix's friends who dined together, at the Petit Versailles on Boulevard Magenta.

译文:与此同时 他融入了 雷福尔 的朋友圈 他们经常在红色林荫大道的凡尔赛餐厅聚会。

2. Having a great circle of friends, supportive parents and being in a loving relationship has actually given me strength and hope to help others.

译文:有一个很好的朋友圈,支持我的父母, 以及拥有一个亲密的关系, 实际上给了我力量和希望去帮助别人。

3. We must change that, and so i ask you to please help share these stories through your networks.

译文:我们必须改变,所以我请求你 通过你的朋友圈,你的网络 分享这些故事。

4. Send it to me, i would resend it.


5. Your friends who aren't in the writing biz are just--


6. i wouldn't be so presumptuous as to try to break into your little circle of friends.

译文:我不会那么冒昧地闯入 你的朋友圈的。

7. And the Lord forwards his blessings on you!

译文:耶和华 转发 他的祝福 你。

8. How's your foot? The pain is gone, but i feel a bit handicapped.

译文:可她却才发现 他朋友圈里早有好几人。

9. We should have a larger staff. i'd be offended, sir. i can do the work.

译文:我想他们不会被邀请假 如乔治的不断缩小的朋友圈子。

10. Not to mention the impact on our social circle.

译文:更别提 Not to mention 这对我们朋友圈的影响了 the impact on our social circle.。

11. if you wanna blend in i'd think looking like an idiot would be the perfect camouflage.

译文:如果你想融入Penny的朋友圈子 最好还是装得像个傻瓜一样。

12. No. Here? No, uh, keep going.


13. The doughnut's best friend.


14. Yeah, gotta go. Let's go. Okay, all right.


15. Take Facebook's powerful news feed algorithm -- you know, the one that ranks everything and decides what to show you from all the friends and pages you follow.

译文:拿 Facebook 的强大的 新闻流算法来说, 就是通过你的朋友圈 和你浏览过的页面, 决定你的 “推荐内容”的算法。

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