馈用英语怎么说 馈的英语翻译

馈用英语怎么说 馈的英语翻译

馈的英语翻译是"  Feed",其次还可以说成"  gu",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到82个与馈相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Feed

馈翻译为   Feed。

There is no such thing as failure just Feedforward.


2.   gu

馈翻译为   gu。

Feedforward is to give the team, Suggestions for the future and provide help in terms of setting future direction.


3.   Sending girls

馈翻译为   Sending girls。

Japan has scant natural resources, and is reliant on exports to fuel its economy.


4. make a present of

馈翻译为make a present of。

示例:~ Present company accepting
Present company accepting



1. pumping back(馈)

2. face down feed(俯馈)

3. feed card(馈卡)

4. feed face down(俯馈)

5. feed key(馈键)


Feedback back-feed FB ( 反馈 电子 自 )

Survey Feedback ( 信息反馈 )

negative feedback ( 负反馈 电子 自 )

Feedback Give feedback Suggestions IDEAL AND REALITY ( 意见反馈 )

biofeedback EEG Biofeedback biofeedback therapy biological feedback ( 生物反馈 生物物理 )

positive feedback regenerative feedback feedforward positive regeeration ( 正反馈 自 电子 )

feedback loop feedback circuit backfeed loop Feedback Path ( 反馈回路 自 )

feedback system IPVOTE Subscriptions LIHE Vote ( 反馈系统 自 )


1. And those feed forward into one layer after another layer, after another layer of neurons, all connected by synapses of different weights.

译文:然后这些前馈信息 通过一层层神经元往下传递, 这些神经元通过突触彼此连接。

2. What is the one commodity... the world never seems to run out of?

译文:所以我们该问的问题是 这个世界上 我们永远不予馈乏的 到底是什么。

3. Now, if instead of collapsing we show unexpected strength, and not only hold out

译文:他们准神父带著西德尼上将信息 并希望我们会崩馈 这是最后通告代表他巳向上保证。

4. it's that you get to give a little something back.


5. Will you look in the cellar, Vasilich?

译文:瓦利 你去看看馈楼好吗。

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