海水不可斗量用英语怎么说 海水不可斗量英语翻译

海水不可斗量用英语怎么说 海水不可斗量英语翻译

海水不可斗量的英语为"Sea water is immeasurable.",在日常中也可以翻译为"Do not estimate the abilities of a great man with a small measure.",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到90个与海水不可斗量相关的短语释义和例句。


1. Sea water is immeasurable.

海水不可斗量翻译为Sea water is immeasurable.。

示例:That's the realm of the ineffable and the immeasurable.
这是不可名状的东西 而且无法测度


2. Do not estimate the abilities of a great man with a small measure.

海水不可斗量翻译为Do not estimate the abilities of a great man with a small measure.。

示例:That's a security measure.
那是安全措施 That's a security measure.


3. The sea cannot be measured with a bushel -- great minds can not be fathomed.

海水不可斗量翻译为The sea cannot be measured with a bushel -- great minds can not be fathomed.。

示例:Yeah. You see, sirens can read minds. They see what you want most and then they can cloak themselves.
sirens can read minds. cloak themselves



1. seawater(海水 )

2. marine water(海水)

3. seawater desalination(海水脱盐;海水淡化)

4. sea water encroachment(海水倒灌;海水浸蚀地)

5. seawater permeability(海水渗透率;海水磁导率)


1. The top layer is like sea water


2. And the depths of your loyalty.

译文:海水 你的忠诚。

3. You can judge your books from how the cover looks


4. i'm no good with sea water...!


5. ? in a land to a shining sea


6. We don't want to film the ship or anything.


7. When the sea returns, it brings cool oxygenated water back to the reef.

译文:当海水来临 会带来含氧的海水。

8. Here, beneath the waves, we will witness the circle of life.


9. Jump in, the water is great!

译文:跳进来 海水很棒。

10. You don't judge a book by its cover or a person from the outside.

译文:人不可貌相 海水不可斗量。

11. Well, the hydro rigs are taking all the water.


12. And the desalination process is one where we take out salts.

译文:海水淡化的工序 让我们过滤掉海水里的盐分。

13. Sam, oceans aren't boiling, okay?

译文:- Sam 海水没有沸腾。

14. i'm allergic to sea water.


15. The water is so clear and so blue.


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