第三只眼通常被翻译为" third eye"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为" Safeye System",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到96个与第三只眼相关的释义和例句。
1. third eye
第三只眼翻译为 third eye。
Flick the switch and open your third eye, you'd see that.
2. Safeye System
第三只眼翻译为 Safeye System。
He has been on the editorial staff of "Private Eye" since 1963.
3. Fly On The Wall
第三只眼翻译为 Fly On The Wall。
Your third eye is opening up progressively.
4. hlhtax
1. third eyes(第三只眼)
2. third eye(第三只眼; (人偶然有的)直觉洞察力; [生物学]松果眼)
3. with a bullet( 我有第三只手;一路飙升)
4. threebears(三只熊;三熊)
5. Three Little Pigs( 三只小猪;三只小猪有声书;三个小猪)
third eye The Third Eye ( 第三只眼睛 )
PART SEVEN ( 第三只眼里的世界 )
Third Eye Crime ( 犯罪的第三只眼 )
Third Eye Restaurant ( 第三只眼餐厅 )
Third Eye Crime ( 罪恶的第三只眼 )
The Third Eye Inn ( 第三只眼旅馆 )
Third Eye Crime ( 第三只眼犯罪 )
third eye ( 播放第三只眼 )
1. Rice drop's coming up first, then the three little pigs.
2. - i got swell ideas for promotions. - Radio, the third ear of the human race...
3. They've discovered Nutrasweet causes you... to grow a third eye.
译文:噢,不! 他们已经发现了 阿斯巴甜会导致你... 长出了第三只眼。
4. Stashing one of the insects in his mouth for safekeeping, he reached for the new specimen – when a sudden spray of hot, bitter fluid scalded his tongue.
译文:于是他把其中一只甲虫 放在嘴里暂时保存, 便伸手去抓第三只—— 就在此时,他的舌头突然 感受到一股滚烫苦涩的液体。
5. But originally the significance of the bindi is to symbolize the third eye between the spiritual world and the religious world.
译文:但起初吉祥痣的意义 是象征着第三只眼, 存在并联系着精神世界与宗教世界。
6. Clearly, you could use it as a third eyeball for a giraffe, right?
译文:显然,你还可以它来当作长颈鹿的 第三只眼睛,没错吧。
7. - How many fingers do you see?
译文:-你看到几只手指头 -三只。
8. They'd pecked the rest to death.
9. The third lion takes the raft back to the right bank where the wildebeest are waiting.
译文:第三头狮子独自返回 原来的一边还是有三只牛羚。
10. 1.3 yards wide, only 3 feet usable.
11. it's the poet's third eye.
12. Of course, you can add more modules to make the manipulator legs longer to attack or pick up objects that are bigger or smaller, or even have a third arm.
译文:当然,你还可以添加 更多模组使机械臂更长, 来抓取更大或更小的物体, 或者甚至是装第三只手臂。
13. And it's so wonderful that there are three Big busts
译文:最妙系有个三只大... 波... 婆。
14. You sure the third one's contained?
译文:你确定第三只 被关住了吗。
15. Here are three scared bowls.