不知轻重缓急用英语怎么说 不知轻重缓急英语翻译

不知轻重缓急用英语怎么说 不知轻重缓急英语翻译

不知轻重缓急的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为agogic,还网络中常译为"to prioritize",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到84个与不知轻重缓急相关的译文和例句。


1. agogic

2. to prioritize

不知轻重缓急翻译为to prioritize。

示例:And they get to prioritize, you know?


3. re prioritize

不知轻重缓急翻译为re prioritize。

示例:And they get to prioritize, you know?


4. prioritise


示例:Right, we've got to prioritise the casualties.



1. order of priority(轻重缓急次序,优先顺序)

2. to prioritize( 按轻重缓急;重点发展)

3. re prioritize( 重排优先级;重新审视轻重缓急;优先次序)

4. agogic(缓急法,缓急法的)

5. prioritise(vt. 给予…优先权; 按优先顺序处理; 出轻重缓急\nvi. 把事情按优先顺序排好(等于prioritize))


1. And i want you to pack your things up tonight, because you and i don't see eye to eye on your priorities.

译文:而且我希望你今晚就收拾东西 And I want you to pack your things up tonight, 因为我们在事情轻重缓急上意见相左 because you and I don't see eye to eye on your priorities.。

2. it's a matter of priorities, Eva. He's only gonna be a kid once.

译文:事分轻重缓急,Eva 他的童年可只有一次。

3. You got to start prioritizing your information.


4. Your chaperone. Keep you out of my hair.


5. i mean, he's a wonderful guy. it's just he's a little, you know, light-hearted about things that i...

译文:他是个不错的人, 但是有一点对事情不知轻重...。

6. in other words, first thing is first.


7. No, my priorities just got a woman killed.

译文:不 我的轻重缓急刚害死一个女人。

8. Well, you have to have priorities.


9. Thanks to your new priorities four agents are dead, Oliver.

译文:多谢你的轻重缓急 奥利弗 四名探员身亡。

10. He has his priorities straight.


11. And i had to reprioritize.


12. Unfortunately publishers themselves as Gods, they ignore orders and have no sense of urgency.

译文:我不知道 恐怕没有 你瞧 这些编辑像老古板 他们轻重缓急不分。

13. When we recognize that we don't have all the time in the world, we see our priorities most clearly.

译文:当我们意识到时间不再多的可以尽情挥霍 就能清楚地看到事情的轻重缓急。

14. That's why i got married. Got to get your priorities straight.

译文:这就是为什么我已婚 你得先搞清楚轻重缓急。

15. i'd like you to reorganize my engagement calendar and color-code the events in terms of priority.

译文:我想要你重新制订我的预约日程表 I'd like you to reorganize my engagement calendar 用色彩标明事情的轻重缓急 and color -code the events in terms of priority.。

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