两面性谚语用英语说"double side tipping",还网络中常译为"double side dewatering",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到29个与两面性谚语相关的翻译和例句。
1. double side tipping
两面性谚语翻译为double side tipping。
示例:No double time, double it.
双倍 双起来 No double time, double it
2. double side dewatering
两面性谚语翻译为double side dewatering。
示例:Side by side double Axels!
3. double bladed cutter
两面性谚语翻译为double bladed cutter。
示例:Y-You see this, uh, double zero?
double zero?
4. dual character
两面性谚语翻译为dual character。
示例:At 13, payed the ead as a chaste character
payed the ead as a chaste character
1. dual character(二重性;两面性)
2. two sides(两面)
3. double side dewatering(两面脱水)
4. double side tipping(两面倾卸)
5. double bladed cutter(两面车刀)
1. Fun and information are two sides to this video podcast, not unlike the only two-sided state flag--
译文:这个节目具有两面性 趣味性和知识性 Fun and information are two sides to this video podcast, 就如同这面两面的州旗 not unlike the only two -sided state flag。
2. There aren't two sides to every story.
译文:不是所有报道都能有两面性 {\3cH202020}There aren't two sides to every story.。
3. You don't learn how to hold two things just from the fluff, you learn it from the grit.
译文:你不仅要从失误中学会包容两面性, 你还需要从磨砺中学到。
4. Well, actually, there are two sides to the story.
5. So cities are dual-edged.
6. As if he were the victim Of female aggressiveness and duplicity.
译文:让别人以为自己是女性过于主动 和两面性的受害者。
7. He lacks the guile to play multiple sides.
译文:他缺乏两面性的狡猾 He lacks the guile to play multiple sides.。
8. So the two-ness of this landscape, both black and white ...
译文:这时候我想把景观的 两面性设计出来,黑和白。
9. There are two sides of war.
10. And through that, we were able to develop a shadow-catcher that would talk about this two-ness in a different way.
译文:通过光和阴影, 我们设计了一个影子捕手, 用不同的方式表达这种两面性。
11. i mean, there are two sides, different colours, one of 'em's got to win, one of 'em's got to lose.
译文:事物总有两面性,不同的色彩 一个要赢,一个就要输。
12. Are there really two sides to this story?
译文:This one's an A. 报道是否真的具有两面性 {\3cH202020}Are there really two sides to this story。
13. A story always has two sides.
14. There are two sides of war.
15. The white one, it's the full bellies coming back.