上刑用英语怎么说 上刑的英语翻译

上刑用英语怎么说 上刑的英语翻译

上刑的英语翻译是"torture",还网络中常译为"put sb. to torture",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到62个与上刑相关的翻译和例句。


1. torture


When he was taken away to be executed he wrote her a farewell message, which he signed: "From your Valentine."


2. put sb. to torture

上刑翻译为put sb. to torture。

Very soon, he was brought to the execution ground and shot.



They set you on the treadmill ( 他们把你送上刑台 )

criminally liable ( 负上刑事责任 )

Reformatio in peius no additional punishment for appeal second appeal without additional punishment( 上诉不加刑 )

A night on the scaffold ( 绞刑台上的一晚 )

criminally penally ( 刑法上 )

criminal appeals ( 刑事上诉 )

i'm a Dutchman ( 上绞刑 )

Vertex Square Ascendant ( 宿命点刑上升 )

criminal appeal system ( 刑事上诉制度 )

criminal ( 刑事上的 )


1. He told me minutes before he was executed. So?


2. Her parents are sentence to death


3. Yeah, i can't be a public witness myself... but if you offer me anonymity and immunity...

译文:我不能公开作证 但如果你给我匿名保护加上刑事豁免权。

4. Tom, he could put you in front of a firing squad.

译文:汤姆 他可能会把你送上刑场。

5. if he ever faces the wall after the war, i'll be glad to say:

译文:如果战后他被送上刑场 我会很高兴说。

6. Right now it's a bit tough to like, totally free you please forgive me

译文:武都头手脚上刑具一时难除 请别见怪。

7. Will you stop acting like you're going to your own execution.


8. Poor old Caiaphas has the look of a man preparing to face the executioner.

译文:可怜的老该亚法看起来就像 Poor old Caiaphas has the look of a man 马上要上刑场一样 preparing to face the executioner.。

9. The Chinese water torture?

译文:上刑具? 蹲水牢。

10. Not to do anything declared all out and


11. After you've eaten it, they chop off your head!


12. NO, if we kill him, 20-30 hostages will line up against a wall.

译文:不,如果我们杀了他 他手里的二三十个俘虏就会被送上刑场。

13. - i don't have a son like that.

译文:戴上头套押上刑场 一枪爆头。

14. You're not going to die, okay? You're going to an exclusive meeting.

译文:你又不是上刑场 你是去一个高级聚会。

15. Appreciate that. Well, not exactly an outpouring of grief from the locals.

译文:是的 我是等着上刑场的人 Jareau探员 头发是我仅有的私物了。

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