丝型织物用英语怎么说 丝型织物英语翻译

丝型织物用英语怎么说 丝型织物英语翻译

丝型织物用英语说"valentia",还网络中常译为"filibranchiate type",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到20个与丝型织物相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. valentia


示例:Vibo Valentia, not like Valencia in Spain.
Vibo Valentia, 不是像西班牙的瓦伦西亚。


2. filibranchiate type

丝型织物翻译为filibranchiate type。

示例:Man, a lot of these type places.
Man, a lot of these type places.


3. chalinet

4. fusite


1. filibranchiate type(丝鳃型)

2. fusite(丝炭型)

3. valentia(棉毛丝交织格子织物)

4. shamyanas(丝绣华盖毛织物)

5. chalinet(印花薄型毛织物)


1. it's just not saying texture to me.


2. Power and Style! Power and Style! Go on, lads.

译文:有力又有型 有力又有型 继续。

3. She's nice, Janice, you know? -Not my usual type, but....

译文:珍妮丝很棒 不是平常我喜欢的那一型,但。

4. Basically, there's three types of nanny gigs.

译文:有三种类型的小保姆 A型。

5. As for appearances... cute... is my type.

译文:外表方面... 可爱型... 我喜欢可爱型。

6. That kid has braids down to here now.


7. Keep the line, man, keep the line!

译文:保持阵型 兄弟们 保持阵型。

8. Yoghurt, lightness, feminity, ... A dancer wearing a tutu?

译文:有酸奶 低脂型的... 女士型的...。

9. it exploits confluences in the space-time fabric by

译文:它利用在汇流 由时空织物。

10. And this amazing plant can be stripped down and turned into a weaving product.

译文:这种奇妙的植物可以砍下来 制成织物。

11. Who wants a fabric softener?


12. Ex cuse me, i have to add softener.


13. - Oh, okay. There you go. Yeah.

译文:你去那里现在觉得有 织物在你的脸上。

14. Two ninety-nine, fabric softener.

译文:二 99,织物柔软剂。

15. Have some fabric softener.


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