募资用英语怎么说 募资的英语翻译

募资用英语怎么说 募资的英语翻译

募资的英语为"fund-raising -",还可以翻译为fund-raising -,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到48个与募资相关的翻译和例句。


1. fund-raising -

募资翻译为 fund-raising -。

I haven't forgotten the ultimate aim of raising money for the very poor.


2. fund-raising -

募资翻译为 fund-raising -。

The intersection of community organizing and online fundraising, and.


3. fundraising


Their reason for coming to market in the first place is to raise capital.


4.   Fundraising

募资翻译为   Fundraising。

示例:And women do fundraising.



1. statutory prospectus(法定募资说明书)

2. opportunity shop(义卖商店(为慈善事业募资))

3. prepayment for equipment( 预付购置设备款;资资资;资资)

4. make an investment(资)

5. recru(义募)


crowd funding ( 群众募资 )

general solicitation ( 大范围募资 )

Crowdfunding ( 募资网站 )

prospectus ( 募资说明书 )

private equity investments ( 私募资本 )

crowdfunding platform ( 云募资平台 )

Closing condition ( 募资成立条件 )

PE VCPE Private Equity Investment ( 私募股权投资 )


1. Your pension contribution refund.

译文:-不能 这是你的资遣费。

2. -Will you tell us why you were let go?


3. - Congratulations on the raise.

译文:- 祝贺我们募资成功。

4. My fans backed me at nearly 1.2 million, which was the biggest music crowdfunding project to date.

译文:我的歌迷们为我提供了一百二十万, 这是历史上规模最大的音乐人群募资。

5. So international actors should expand their funding and support for local conflict resolution.

译文:所以国际角色应该为本地矛盾解决 扩展他们的募资和支持。

6. He majors in Computer Science

译文:资工系的 电脑很强。

7. Recruiting, training, rewarding human experts.


8. This means that individual donors can commit without having to worry that they'll be left supporting an underfunded plan.

译文:这表示个人捐赠者可以完全不必担心 赞助了一个无法完成募资的计划。

9. Hey, Timmy. How is the fundraising for camp going?

译文:嘿 Timmy 为夏令营募资的事 进行得怎样了。

10. What could be more important than talking about fundraising with me and eating a bucket of chicken?

译文:有什么比起边和我讨论募资 What could be more important than 边吃炸鸡更重要的呢? talking about fundraising with me and eating a bucket of chicken。

11. The worse that it is for us, the better that it is for this fundraising.

译文:情况对我们来说越糟, 就对募资越有利。

12. To the developing world, so i've been backing them.


13. Attheendoftheconference, jeredfromtradehill threwa party tocelebrate howfarthingshad come.

译文:会后, TradeHill的杰罗德 举行了一个庆祝募资进展顺利的聚会。

14. So multiparty, single closing: an idea we borrowed from Wall Street.

译文:所以要多方募资、单方停止: 这想法是从华尔街借鉴的。

15. - Wait, what ... what anxiety?

译文:- 单单 ぐ或... ぐ或礘募。

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