异口同音用英语怎么说 异口同音英语翻译

异口同音用英语怎么说 异口同音英语翻译

异口同音的英语翻译是"  same music in different way",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到79个与异口同音相关的翻译和例句。


1.   same music in different way

异口同音翻译为   same music in different way。

示例:i felt exactly the same way then.
I felt exactly the same way then.



1. inconcert(na. 异口同音地;齐\n 音场)

2. tautophony(同音反复 )

3. unisonal(同音的 )

4. unisonous(同音的 )

5. homophony(同音异义 )


1. This is just some deviled eggs, you two devils.

译文:这是蘸了芥末的鸡蛋... 你们这两个魔鬼(与"蘸了芥末"同音)。

2. i hope i'm brown enough for you because, you see, i'm all brown.

译文:我倒是焦黄透了 (布朗与焦黄同音)。

3. And, more importantly, you don't look like a horse.

译文:重要的是,你看起来不像马 (此处horse -马和hoarse -哑同音)。

4. Hit the panic button. ...three, two, one.

译文:- 按钮,按钮,俺牛(同音)。

5. Shit. - i'm always ready to see you bare.

译文:- 我已经准备好看你全裸(bare与bear同音)了.。

6. it relies on the homonymic relationship between "tick, "

译文:同音词嘛 "tick"是指。

7. - No! But i used to have an agent.

译文:-不 但我过去是(其实是指代理商 同音词)。

8. Now i know why people call you Drinking Christ.

译文:啊 现在知道为什么叫你主了 注: 韩语中主和酒同音。

9. You had a Jewish vacuum cleaner?

译文:什么? [注: bissel和美国吸尘器品牌 Bissell 同音]。

10. what's wrong with his dick ?


11. You want to hear it played by different musicians.


12. it sounds like the word "buy"


13. - They're kind of cheesy. - Henry.


14. - Let's get this man "leid."

译文:- 替他带上花环 (和 同女人上床同音)。

15. Because lover' s dance is the passionate tango

译文:因为和恋人应该跳热情的探戈才对 ("端午""探戈"日语中同音)。

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