行车道用英语怎么说 行车道的英语翻译

行车道用英语怎么说 行车道的英语翻译

行车道的英语可以这样说:carriageway,还网络中常译为"  lane",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到28个与行车道相关的译文和例句。


1. carriageway


There was a bike path running along this side of the wall, right at its base.


2.   lane

行车道翻译为   lane。

Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill.


3.   carriageway

行车道翻译为   carriageway。

It had gone on to the wrong side of the road and hit a car coming in the other direction.


4.   traffic lane

行车道翻译为   traffic lane。

示例:So you add a lane, and the traffic comes, and they say, "See, i told you we needed that lane."
于是加了一个车道后, 车流就涌上来了, 然后他们会说, “看吧,我说过我们需要加车道。”



1. directional carriageway marking(定向行车道标记)

2. priority lane(优先通行车道)

3. vehicular traffic lane(汽车行车道)

4. driving lane(un. 行车车道\n 行车道)

5. bicycle way(自行车道,非机动车道)


fast lane ( 快行车道 )

carriageway marking ( 行车道标记 )

overhead viaduct ( 架空行车道 )

flexible carriageway ( 柔性行车道 )

Danube Bicycle Trail Danube Bike Trail Danube Cycling Path Danube Cycle Path ( 多瑙河自行车道 )

Through Lane Though-traffic lane A straight-going lane ( 直行车道 )

riding surface ( 行车道路面 )

SkyCycle ( 空中自行车道 )


1. And we have some witnesses that saw a 1966 T-Bird convertible leaving the scene, sort of speeding out of the driveway there.

译文:有目击证人看见 一辆xx年的雷鸟敞篷车离开现场 高速驶离行车道。

2. That parking makes the sidewalk safe, and we're adding a much more robust bicycle network.

译文:停车位让人行道变的安全, 我们还增加了很多 经久耐用的自行车道网络。

3. We--we build riding trails and-- and Hollis maintained it all beautifully.

译文:我们建了自行车道 -- Hollis将它保养得很好。

4. The green line is the number of bike lanes.


5. With all due respect, i was in the bicycle lane. You came like a madman.

译文:无论如何 我得说 我是在自行车道上 你疯子一样冲过来。

6. Now as our light is red, the cyclist's light has turned yellow already, and if you squint, you can see that in the imagery.

译文:自行车道的灯已经变黄了, 如果你瞥一眼的话,就能看到了。

7. if, however, as in Pasadena, every lane is a bike lane, then no lane is a bike lane.

译文:然而如果在(南加州的)帕萨迪纳市, 每一条道路都是自行车道, 那么也就等于没有自行车道了。

8. China has now adopted policies that put six meters of bike lane on every street.

译文:中国已经采取政策, 要在每条街道 设立六米宽的自行车道。

9. And the bike route's going right through the building, so those traveling the river would see the exhibits and be drawn to the building.

译文:自行车道正好穿过建筑, 所以路过河的人能到看到展览并被吸引到建筑中。

10. i don't think protected bicycle ways are a cute architectural feature.

译文:我不认为自行车道 是一个可爱的建筑特征。

11. Sweep the western sea wall, and shut down the bike paths.


12. Sixty-four percent of New Yorkers support these bike lanes.


13. We created the first parking-protected bike lane in the United States.

译文:建造了美国第一个 汽车不能占用停靠的自行车道。

14. You find room for bike lanes.


15. i love that i taught my kids... to ride their bikes in the driveway.


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