精神活动过速用英语怎么说 精神活动过速英语翻译

精神活动过速用英语怎么说 精神活动过速英语翻译

精神活动过速的英语是"  tachyphrenia",还可以翻译为  tachypsychia,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到98个与精神活动过速相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   tachyphrenia

2.   tachypsychia

3. tachyphrenia

4. tachypsychia


1. tachyphrenia(精神活动过速)

2. tachypsychia(精神活动过速)

3. hypernea(精神活动过度)

4. hyperpragia(精神活动过度)

5. hypernoia([医] 精神活动过度)


1. He could have an embolism, tachycardia, stroke.

译文:他会出现栓塞 心跳过速 中风。

2. At more or less one and a half hourly intervals changes occur, pointing at the growth in brain activity.

译文:大概一个半小时会变化一次 显示脑的活动过程。

3. - You must've nicked an artery.

译文:室性心动过速 你肯定是割破了一根动脉。

4. His heart was beating too fast.

译文:简单地说 就是心动过速。

5. So it actually harms some of the neural processing that's going on during memory consolidation and memory recall.

译文:它实际上会危害神经活动过程, 这包含记忆的强化 和回忆。

6. An elderly patient with hypotension, SVT, converted on scene.

译文:一名年长患者现场发病 低血压 室上性心动过速。

7. i'm saying i didn't do it. i didn't do it, i never did it.

译文:我说了我确实没有动过 真的没有动过。

8. We have evidence from a guy who was until just recently was still his bodyguard.


9. - He's been tachycardic the entire time.

译文:-他处于心搏过速状态. -恩.。

10. BP is 80/40 and falling. Sinus tachycardia.


11. - She suffers from Tachycardia.

译文:- 她有生理性心动过速,不能喝咖啡.。

12. Twelve miles over the limit.


13. Except at least with masturbation, some action is being performed, right?

译文:至少打飞机 还算是活动过身体是吧。

14. there'll be very little evidence of buildings, very little evidence of the activities of man.

译文:难以寻觅大楼的踪迹 也无法找到人类活动过的痕迹。

15. Tachycardia, hyperventilated.


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