白鹳用英语翻译为" Storchengold",还网络中常译为"white stork",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到83个与白鹳相关的短语释义和例句。
1. Storchengold
白鹳翻译为 Storchengold。
The scientists tracked white storks from different colonies in Europe and Africa.
2. white stork
白鹳翻译为white stork。
Landfill sites on the Iberian peninsula have long attracted local white storks, but all of the Spanish birds tagged in the study flew across the Sahara desert to the western Sahel.
3. white stork
白鹳翻译为 white stork。
Kid: Then where do baby storks come from?
4. Ciconia ciconia boyciana
1. white stork(白鹳)
2. milky stork( 乳白鹳;南美鹳;白鹮鹳)
Oriental Stork Oriental White Stork ( 东方白鹳 )
white stork tail ( 白鹳尾 )
white stork wing ( 白鹳翅 )
white stork plume ( 白鹳羽毛 )
The Story of Storks ( 白鹳的故事 )
Abdim's Stork ( 白腹鹳 )
White stork village ( 白鹳村 )
1. - White Stork has been launched.
2. The white storks choose a safer but longer route, one that avoids the Sahara altogether.
译文:白鹳选择的是一条相对更加安全 但是更加遥远的路线 完全避开了撒哈拉沙漠。
3. Thermals can't form over water, so the storks have to work hard just to stay airborne.
译文:热气流是不能在水面上空形成的 因此白鹳只能奋力飞行 结果也只是勉强让它们呆在空中。
4. They set off from South Africa at the same time as the storks, but had to flap their wings all the way, instead of gliding on thermals.
译文:它们和白鹳同时从南非出发 但是一路只能靠振翅飞翔 而不是通过热气流滑翔。
5. These storks are among the countless millions of birds that risk their lives to come to Europe to breed.
译文:这些白鹳只是不计其数的候鸟中的一部分 这些候鸟都冒着生命的危险来到欧洲繁衍后代。
6. But the storks are reaching the end of their journey.
7. Like storks, the males arrive first.
译文:和白鹳一样 它们也是雄性先到。
8. The team is interested in one bird that arrives here in the hundreds of thousands - the famous white stork.
译文:剧组对一种鸟感兴趣 到达这里的这种鸟儿数量成百上千... 著名的白鹳。
9. On a good day, the storks can travel 300 miles with hardly any effort at all.
译文:在天气晴朗的日子 白鹳一天能飞300英里(约483公里) 而且几乎是不费吹灰之力。
10. On his 6,000-mile safari, the stork must be ready for anything.
译文:在长达6千英里的旅途中 白鹳必须随时准备好应对任何状况。
11. in the skies above, thousands of white storks join them in a race against time to reach their European breeding grounds.
译文:高空中 数以千计的白鹳加入了它们的行列 争分夺秒地飞向它们在欧洲的繁殖地。
12. it's spring, and tens of thousands of white storks have left Africa and are trying to reach their breeding grounds a thousand miles away in Europe.
译文:春天到了 数以万计的白鹳离开非洲 飞往它们的繁殖地 千里之外的欧洲。
13. The storks could face an agonising wait for their mates.
14. But while swallows flap their wings all the way, white storks glide on thermals.
译文:但是燕子是振动翅膀飞行的 而白鹳是在热气流间滑翔前行的。
15. Tired storks must make frequent stops to rest and feed.