暴饮暴食用英语怎么说 暴饮暴食英语翻译

暴饮暴食用英语怎么说 暴饮暴食英语翻译

暴饮暴食的英语是"  gluttony",还可以翻译为eat and drink too much,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到80个与暴饮暴食相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   gluttony

暴饮暴食翻译为   gluttony。

If everybody around you is overeating, you'll probably do so, too.


2. eat and drink too much

暴饮暴食翻译为eat and drink too much。

Some are so accustomed to pigging out, they can't cut back.


3.   Overeating

暴饮暴食翻译为   Overeating。

The overindulgence of food and drinks clogs body and mind.


4.   craputence


1. crapulence(暴饮暴食 )

2. engorge(暴饮暴食 )

3. engorgement(暴饮暴食 )

4. passive overeating(暴饮暴食)

5. crapulent(暴饮暴食的 )


pork out pig out ( 指吃的过量 暴饮暴食 )

Since then he started engorgement ( 此后他开始暴饮暴食 )

Or Overeating ( 或暴饮暴食 )

Not Overeating ( 不要暴饮暴食 )

Always eat appropriately ( 切忌暴饮暴食 )

Not Overeating ( 不能暴饮暴食 )


1. And why would a streeter, who is god's own wet dream, chose to be pampered... with a Darwin's worst nightmare?

译文:为什么一个发育异常的人,上帝梦遗的产物,却可以暴饮暴食 达尔文最糟糕的噩梦? (适者生存)。

2. Children are especially vulnerable to this cycle of dieting and then binging.

译文:在这种节食和暴饮暴食的循环下 孩子们特别容易受到伤害。

3. ... theovereatinghastodo with your patient?

译文:暴饮暴食的问题 跟你的病人有关吗。

4. There are too many people that think that high-technology medicine is going to keep them, save them, from overeating, from eating a lot of fast foods, from not getting any exercise.

译文:太多人认为高科技药物 会为他们带来福音,会拯救他们 于暴饮暴食之中。以为大量食用速食不再有害健康, 或者完全不锻炼也没有关系。

5. That's Marcia. She eats her feelings.

译文:这是玛西亚 她一生气就暴饮暴食。

6. - Did you ever see him eat?


7. i only eat like that when i'm miserable.


8. What if your wristwatch tracked your mood, or your car sensed that you're tired, or perhaps your fridge knows that you're stressed, so it auto-locks to prevent you from binge eating. (Laughter) i would like that, yeah.

译文:再想象一下你的手表可以感知你的情绪, 或你的车可以觉察出你疲惫了, 或者说你的冰箱知道你有压力, 所以它会自动上锁防止你暴饮暴食。(笑声) 我会喜欢这个的,没错。

9. He's a gluttonous baby. He's self-indulgent.

译文:他暴饮暴食 放任自己。

10. And a small indulgence, like eating one scoop of ice cream, is more likely to lead to a food binge in controlled eaters.

译文:一个小小的放纵 比如一勺冰激凌 更有可能在自控型食者中 导致暴饮暴食的结果。

11. Whether it's our thoughts speeding up or slowing down, eating our emotions or not at all, difficulty sleeping or just getting out of bed.

译文:不管压力让我们脑中的思绪 急速运转或是迟缓停滞, 让你暴饮暴食,或是食不甘味, 让你彻夜难眠,还是无力起床。

12. Rid yourself of this health curse. it'll only backfire in later days.


13. Compulsive gorging on food.


14. Still on that health kick i see.


15. Or under-sleep or over-eat or...

译文:或睡眠不足 或暴饮暴食 或。

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