深造用英语怎么说 深造的英语翻译

深造用英语怎么说 深造的英语翻译

深造的英语翻译是"further study",还网络中常译为"  further study",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到48个与深造相关的翻译和例句。


1. further study

深造翻译为further study。

An increasing number of students went abroad for further study with an aim of broadening their horizons.


2.   further study

深造翻译为   further study。

If the opportunity arises, I'd love to go abroad for further study.


3. pursue advanced studies

深造翻译为pursue advanced studies。

After school Nick went on with further study and get a double bachelor degree.


4.   further education

深造翻译为   further education。

示例:Some will go on for further education, but many will enter the workforce.
有些人会继续深造, 但多数人会进入职场。



1. further training(深造,进修)

2. further ... studies( 深造;进修;继续进修深造)

3. enriched course(提高[深造]学科)

4. further study( 进修;深造;进一步研究)

5. postgraduate certificate( 研究生证书;深造证书;学士后证书)


Postgraduate Diploma PGDip ( 深造文凭 )

further study abroad Further Study in Foreign Countries go abroad for further studies Study abroad ( 出国深造 )

refresher course enriched curriculum Postgraduate course ( 深造课程 )

Studying Abroad go abroad for further study ( 留学深造 )

For continuing education further study Continue Education pursue further study ( 继续深造 )

further their education during theirpractice ( 执业时持续深造 )

PGC Information Security ( 资讯安全深造证书 )

Furthering Study ( 求学深造 )


1. Well, you get culture and refinement.


2. Of course, he's university student stillattendingtheperformingartschool

译文:那还用说,人家是大学生 现在正在演艺学院深造。

3. Now i get higher education in a brothel in Hamburg


4. Sofia deferred admission to Oxford.


5. i'm drawing pictures on fusuma in return.

译文:我才有办法出国深造 现在则是以画还人情。

6. Came to London in the '80s to re-trace his father's footsteps and accept a place at Oxford University.

译文:追寻你父亲的足迹 在xx年代来到伦敦 在牛津大学深造。

7. After that, the boys are sent off to Kartarpur, for further studies.

译文:之后男孩被送到Kartarpur(印度一城市) 进行深造。

8. You want to gain more experience by working here first, then get an escort job at the karaoke next door where you can learn some more.

译文:所以在这里先培训 接着到旁边那间KTV找份好的工作 然后再深造...。

9. So, i may have the opportunity to promote some of you.

译文:所以 我只能提拔一部分去深造。

10. His grandfather was a royal duke and he himself was educated at Eaton and Oxford.

译文:他的祖父是一个皇家公爵 他曾在伊顿公学和牛津深造。

11. One graduated, and two are going to Villanova.

译文:一个已经从大学毕业 另外两个也将深造。

12. Antonino was becoming richer and could send his child ... "... (ie me) to study the Escolapios.


13. And make sure we actually empower the unemployed by giving them a voucher scholarship where they can choose to study anywhere in Europe.

译文:保证他们的权利 让失业人士拥有”奖学金券“ 让他们随意选择在欧洲的任何地方进行深造。

14. No, Stanford. i'm going there in June when i graduate.

译文:不 给了斯坦福 我xx月毕业后到那里深造。

15. The boy went to America to get an education.


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