反欺凌文化用英语怎么说 反欺凌文化英语翻译

反欺凌文化用英语怎么说 反欺凌文化英语翻译

反欺凌文化的英语可以这样说:dominant culture,其次还可以说成"cyberbully",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到33个与反欺凌文化相关的翻译和例句。


1. dominant culture

反欺凌文化翻译为dominant culture。

示例:in the society, again, which is based on the power of certain people to control and profit from the lives and work of millions of others the dominant intellectual culture will reflect the needs of the dominant group.
同样在我们这个社会 也是基于 少数有权势的人对大多数人的控制和获利 占主导地位的思想文化 会反映统治集团的需要


2. cyberbully

3. Munhwa

4. buckos


示例:- Yes, the B.U.C. For all buckos.
长官 是全队伙伴信念一致



1. cyberbully(网络欺凌 电影名)

2. dominant culture(优势文化;宰制文化;支配文化)

3. Munhwa(文化)

4. provocative victim(挑衅型受欺凌者)

5. buckos(欺凌弱小者 的变形)


1. "Do not take advantage of children whose fathers have died."


2. He's appliedto come before the TribunalforArtists ofthe Denazification Commission.

译文:他被反纳粹文化委员会认定为 亲纳粹分子.。

3. Might i interest you in an anti-bullying pamphlet?

译文:你想要反校园欺凌的小册子吗? Might I interest you in an anti -bullying pamphlet。

4. Thank you for referring to bullying.


5. i've been cleared bythe Denazification Tribunal in Austria.


6. it is his creeps, they hunt in groups and they have provided on the weak.


7. They thought it was going to be counterculture or something.

译文:他们觉得那是一种 反主流文化。

8. - Does she take bully beef?

译文:- 她带欺凌弱小者牛肉吗。

9. You're such a bully. My mother needs help. Dude, let him go.


10. We can also counteract the culture by supporting organizations that deal with these kinds of issues, like the Tyler Clementi Foundation in the US; in the UK, there's Anti-Bullying Pro; and in Australia, there's PROJECT ROCKiT.

译文:我们还可以通过支持 处理这类问题的组织机构 来对抗这种羞辱文化, 比如,美国有泰勒·克莱门蒂基金会, 英国有反欺凌项目, 澳大利亚有Rockit项目。

11. Down with family violence!

译文:反家暴! 反家暴...。

12. They face bullying, harassment and more.


13. Then came the bullying, the punishments.


14. i suspect that... your daughter is being bullied.

译文:我推测 她面临欺凌。

15. Meeting dropouts, counterculture types, freegans.

译文:反文化的 不消费者们打交道。

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